A Labour Of Love - No 1 Piggy Lane

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
I went a bit mad and decided to make my boys a cardboard mansion as their old cardboard houses were looking a bit worse for wear. It took me 3 days to make, but I loved making it. There are two floors, and there is a reinforced carpeted ramp inside to help the boys get upstairs, bedroom and living room area. Just thought I'd share the labour of love with you all. :)

Here it is, "No 1 Piggy Lane"

IMG_1972 RESIZED.webp IMG_1973 RESIZED.webp IMG_1974 RESIZED.webp IMG_1975 RESIZED.webp IMG_1977 RESIZED.webp IMG_1980 RESIZED.webp IMG_2003 RESIZED.webp IMG_2015 RESIZED.webp IMG_2016 RESIZED.webp

Here are some videos of the boys exploring their new mansion:

I'm quite pleased with it, not bad for a first attempt I suppose. :) Part of me secretly wishes I could pack in the day job and have a business empire selling guinea pig houses and furnishings hehee, god I'd love that. :)) Guinea pigs will rule the world. :drool::love:
Oh my gosh! This is beautiful. What a wonderful house for your boys. You are so sweet to have gone to so much trouble. Lucky piggies.
Love it. Never seen anything like it before. My 2 would probably chomp away on it. Lol.
Love it and the videos are great... :nod::tu:
Thanks everyone. It was nice to see them enjoying it after spending time making it. I'll have to make some more for my friends guinea pigs hehee :)
It is beautiful:tu:. I wish I was as talented as that. If I even attempted building something like this it would fall down and the pigs would just chomp away at it.:lol!:
How cool! When can I move in? :))
To be honest it wasn't the construction part that was difficult, it was all the measuring that I had to do. I'm super rubbish at maths so it took me ages getting things aligned, but I've wrote the measurements on the base, so when I make the next one it should hopefully be easier. There are some fabulous step by step guides for cardboard houses on Pinterest if you wanted to try anything out. I'm sure it wouldn't fall down, and an edible house is all part of the fun, my boys have already had a cheeky chomp at the banisters. :D
This is awesome! I often bring cardboard boxes home from work and they get cut into little house shapes but never last long. This is just fantastic, bet it won't last long. Very lucky boys!

Thanks everyone. I'll be making another one soon for my friends piggies, so I shall post more photos then. :)
I've liked this, but only because there isn't a 'love' button! :love:

Well done you, it looks amazing and so much fun for the piggies

Another thing for me to add to the pig list
You are amazing, you know that :) Absolutely fab. Your boys are well spoilt, love the ones of them in the doorway :love:
Have shared this on our FB page, really impressive :)
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