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A Sad Day For Me And Joey

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Midlands, UK
It has been a short while since I posted on here, but I'm back with the sad news that my Alfie left for rainbow bridge last night :(.
When I went to check on the boys before bed, Alfie was just lying there & knew something was wrong, I got him out and he was too weak to even lift his head properly, I wanted to help him but knew deep down there wasn't anything I could do, it was just too late. I couldn't even get him to a vets because it was about 1 in the morning. I stayed with him while he took his last breath. It was all so sudden, he was absolutely fine right before I went out yesterday - I watched him and Joey eat all their veggies and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I can't believe he has gone, and so suddenly too. I'm assuming he had a heart attack? His nose started bleeding alot shortly after he passed, I don't know if that could indicate the reason he's left us? I just feel so guilty I couldn't do more to help him :(
Rest in peace my beautiful boy, I can't believe you've gone :( xxxxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. Sleep tight little one x x
You could not of known this was going to happen hun he passed very suddenly, we fully understand how upsetting this is for you lovely and we can help you through this on here.
It's a worry in the back of all our minds to come home to find our piggies like this, it may seem an odd thing to say but at this point when it's time for them to cross over the bridge it's the way we would all like our piggies to go very suddenly without illness or pain (he wouldn't of been his normal self and eating like normal before you left if he was in pain katie ). Huge huge hug hun I'm here for you for as long as you need me xx
I'm so sorry for your loss :( At least you were with him at the end x

Popcorn free Alfie x
Thank you everyone for your support. We have just buried him :bye: :( he is in our garden so he isn't far away. I have also given Joey a teddy x x
I am very sorry for your loss; it sounds like a heart attack. It can strike out of the blue at any age and there isn't much you can do. Had you rushed him to the out-of-hours vets, he'd most likely passed on the way. An unexpected death sadly whacks you really hard, as you have to deal with the shock on top of the normal loss. :(
RIP Alfie

PS: Here are our tips what you can do for Joey. https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/looking-after-a-bereaved-piggy.110463/
I'm so sorry, what a horrible shock for you. It sounds like it may have been heart failure as it happened so quickly. Someone may correct me on this but I think the blood could be the result of his body shutting down. I vaguely remember this happening with one of our hamsters a few years ago after they were PTS.

Hope you and Joey are ok.
I'm really sorry for your loss. At least it sounds like it was very quick and he was himself pretty much up until the final moments (not that it's much consolation to you when it comes as such a shock.) ((HUGS)) to you and Joey, and RIP Alfie.
Such a shock for you, I'm so sorry. Sending lots of hugs to you and loving wheeks to Joey. RIP little Alfie.
Thank you Helen, I did wonder if the bleeding was just natural but I had never seen it before with any of my other animals so was unsure x

Joey seems okay so far - it just seems strange seeing him alone...
Thank you all so much for your kind words x x
Thank you Helen, I did wonder if the bleeding was just natural but I had never seen it before with any of my other animals so was unsure x

Joey seems okay so far - it just seems strange seeing him alone...
Thank you all so much for your kind words x x

Internal bleeding coming our of the mouth or ears or fitting can happen when the body is shutting down either shortly before dying or shortly after; it happens in humans, too. It is rather distressing for anybody present, who is not aware that this can happen. HUGS!
Thank you to everyone who has offered Katie Elizabeth kind words and support I get on really well with Katie and have done since I joined the forum, she turned to me in the early hours of this morning for support (sadly I didn't get her message until this morning :( )
I reassured her that You lovely people on the forum and I would be there for her at this upsetting and stressful time, which you have so a huge thank you from me too x x x
Aww Kell, you're such a lovely person and feel so lucky that I had you to turn to. You, ruth and everyone else has really helped me today, me and Joey are very grateful x x x
Oh gosh, so very sorry for such a sudden loss. What a terrible shock for you. Big BIG (((HUGS ))).
Hi Katie-Elizabeth

I just wanted to say I am so sorry to hear about Alfie, that is so terribly sad and such a shock. Hugs from me xx
I'm sorry for you loss x Rip Alfie :luv:
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