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Jan 23, 2006
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Gerty Guinea Pig has had a lot of stories about it being dangerous for your guinea pigs to eat. Well...these rumours are not true however they do have a few problems with it.

Vedra from the CCT told my mum today that if your guinea pig eats it that is absolutely fine and causes no problems to the guinea pig. However if your guinea pig has a urine test at the vets and your guinea pigs are on Gerty they make their glucose levels hit the roof. This then leads vets to believe that the guinea pig is diabetic and end up giving them insulin. The insulin in many cases ends up killing the guinea pig because they are not really diabetic however have high blood glucose levels due to the Gerty Guinea Pig food.

Just thought I would let you all know!
It is isn't it. Vedra said vets kept ringing her asking what insulin she would give a diabetic guinea pig as they had so many cases of diabetic guinea pigs and when they were given the insulin they all died. Vedra was surprised the vet had so many cases of diabetic guinea pigs and had then discovered the vets thought they were diabetic but infact it was the gerty guinea pig making their glucose levels high.

Vedra uses and recommends the Pets at Home Museli
I've never used it anyway due to many rumours about it not being ok for some piggies. Apparently too it has loads of artificial colourings in it.
kellyandpiggies said:
I've never used it anyway due to many rumours about it not being ok for some piggies. Apparently too it has loads of artificial colourings in it.

the colourings are the all EC regulated and you find that many cat and dog foods have the same colourings. I stopped giving my cats whiskas and felix and they now have a healthy James Wellbeloved product. Michele try my lot back on the PAH stuff. they didnt like it before but this time they might we will see.
The only other circumstance it is not good is if you have a piggie with pre existing bladder or kidney problems as the colouring can irritate the condition. Ted and Sumo both have renal problems so I don't use Gerty for that reason.
Gosh that is shocking, i have never used Gerty before because of all the rumours
I'll stick to Wagg never had any problems with it, never actually tried Gerty before.
I stopped using it a while ago but i'm never touching ti again now no way! my vets are silly enough as it is any excuse to sell us medicine oh no they are not giving my piggies insulin unless they need it! thanks x
I used to feed Gerty regular and until Socks developed a cold he was fine on it. I don't feed it on a regular basis now since
Chrissie advised me that it was no good. I have been buying the Wagg food.

I don't feed my piggies Gerty but that's shocking. Now I know to defiantly stay away from that.
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