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'abscess' Not Drying Up. Honey?

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Margaret Layland

New Born Pup
Mar 26, 2010
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Monty has a weeping sore on his hind leg that won't heal. His leg was swollen, the vet drained some fluid off (lots of blood in it) but it filled up again within hours. We think he may have a tumour that has damaged a blood vessel. I've had Monty, a rescue guinea pig, for 5 years, so I realise he's no spring chicken. He's eating well so his quality of life is still good. A friend has heard that putting honey on the wound may help heal it. Can anyone advise please? We've got a super vet. We've tried 2 types of antibiotics. Many thanks.
Has your vet suggested sending away some cultures to see what bacteria you are up against.
One of my guineas had an abscess and it healed well with Septrin.
There are lots of things that can be done here. If you want an answer then I would suggest your vet taking a sample. One for culture of the fluid and if need be a sample of the actual tissues. This could be anything from an abscess, cellulitis, a tumour, a tendon or soft tissue injury.

I would definatly advice having antibiotics for now and daily cleaning until you get an answer.

Just re-read the post and I'm being a bit stupid as I realised your already trying antibiotics. Yes you can use honey, munuka honey is what you need, ideally factor 12-15 (as high as you can get basically). It's worth a try. Apply a few times a day but wash between applications to remove any excess debris and infection.

Thanks folks. Yes we have thought about sending off a sample to see if it's infected or not. If it is infected, the treatment would be what we're currently doing; trying different antibiotics. If it's not infected, this would suggest there is something nasty like a tumour damaging a blood vessel. Thing is, is it wise to try to remove it? I've had Monty for 5 years and he was adult when he was taken to the rescue. Thanks again for your advice.
It would depend on what the tumour is. If it can be removed safely or quickly with plenty of margin (with plenty of healthy tissue around the outside) sometimes if very bad or drastic then a leg may need to be removed if possible. I think at 5 it's not unreasonable to anesthetize, if he was much older I would personally be questioning where to go from here. But that is also my opinion so please make your own dicision and consult with what your vet thinks is best.

When Rambo had her abscess she was on baytril for a few weeks... It was drained 3 times and eventually burst.... I washed it out everyday with salt water and a week or so later it was gone! I was so relieved when it did burst leaving a open wound because it would have ended up in her having to have an op. Can you flush it out?
Thank you Jess. I have been flushing it out. Originally there was a lot of blood and a large hole. The hole is smaller but we are concerned that it's still very wet and is taking weeks to dry up. He was originally given injections of oxytetracycline (I think that was the antibiotic) and then Baytril twice a day. He's now on trimethoprim.
Hi if he has been on diferant courses of anti bs and the dose/time period of dose were out of sync it's
possible that his immune system may have developed an imuity
Hi just thinkig out loud , Lump, fluid filling up quickly , , edems come under that category ( fluid retention)

I have had pigs with edems that have responded well to a dieretic , Fuusol !
Though the dose has to be strictly monitored , as with dieretic,s there is a stong danger of dehydration

Re manuka honey,
messy and difficult to apply , perhaps a charcoal impregnated dressing
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