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Abscess Sack


New Born Pup
Dec 20, 2021
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My boy is scheduled for a jaw mass removal on Friday because even though the abscess is more or less flat, it keeps leaking, and i worry that once I finish the antibiotic he's on it'll just blow up. I figure this is because the sack just kept filling, but today while I was cleaning off the crust I think I may have accidentally pulled the sack out entirely as it was stuck to a hardened piece of the goo? I'll still keep his appointment for the vet to look, but does anyone know what they look like? it was white and soft, and the inside of the hole it left was bright red but not bleeding. The fact that the hole was red and didn't look to have a casing in it makes me think it's just healthy flesh. Feeling hopeful but wondering what you guys think.
Hi. I don’t have experience of abscesses. But that does sound like what has happened. Keep the vet appointment and hopefully surgery won’t be necessary.
It is good you are keeping the vet appointment.
I would also take photos of the thing you pulled out to show the vet (assuming you aren't keeping the sack itself until Friday).
This may help him with the diagnosis.
My boy is scheduled for a jaw mass removal on Friday because even though the abscess is more or less flat, it keeps leaking, and i worry that once I finish the antibiotic he's on it'll just blow up. I figure this is because the sack just kept filling, but today while I was cleaning off the crust I think I may have accidentally pulled the sack out entirely as it was stuck to a hardened piece of the goo? I'll still keep his appointment for the vet to look, but does anyone know what they look like? it was white and soft, and the inside of the hole it left was bright red but not bleeding. The fact that the hole was red and didn't look to have a casing in it makes me think it's just healthy flesh. Feeling hopeful but wondering what you guys think.
It sounds like it’s probably dried pus. I’ve had the same, this morning, with a guinea pig with a jaw abscess.
It sounds like it’s probably dried pus. I’ve had the same, this morning, with a guinea pig with a jaw abscess.
the thing I think is the sac was attached to hardened pus. it was like a blob of softer and still wet white attached to the dried yellowish stuff. is this what you saw? the hole on his jaw seems to have closed and scabbed over too
the thing I think is the sac was attached to hardened pus. it was like a blob of softer and still wet white attached to the dried yellowish stuff. is this what you saw? the hole on his jaw seems to have closed and scabbed over too
Yes, that's the same. I got that out yesterday and it scabbed over. Today I pulled the scab off and got the same again!