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Advice Sought From Burgess Excel Users

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane QLD Australia
We don't have any really decent Aussie made commercial guinea pig food. The only imported stuff until recently was Oxbow. Donny & Mason are on Oxbow Organics pellets & love them.

Hazelnut & Peanut Butter have never liked anything by Oxbow & I didn't want to feed them the awful stuff that passes for commercial guinea pig food over here. So, I used to feed them on a muesli from a local animal feed miller (meadow hay chaff, cracked lupins, pony pellets, workhorse mix) so at least the stuff was fresh & nutritious. About the same time as Peanut Butter fell ill the miller went out of business! Having been on this food for years neither Hazelnut or Peanut Butter would take to anything else I tried. As PB was losing weight due to illness & now turning up his nose at all everything I ended up making my own muesli by sourcing the ingredients in their original mix at the produce shop. They are eating it fine but most of the stuff comes in 20kg bags. So I have to store, mix & throw much of it out before it can all be eaten by 2 piggies.

Now suddenly I can get Burgess Excel from an online shop. Both the blackcurrant oregano & mint kind. From the ingredients list it sounds properly nutritious. What I'd like to know from others who use this product is do your piggies like it and which one do they prefer? I really want to try a bag & see if the 2 fusspots will eat any of it but not sure which one I should go for first.
My boys love it - I give both flavours. They prefer the mint ones but I think it is because the nuggets are a little bit bigger. You might have to have a gradual move over to anything new of they won't like the change x
My 2 are on the mint one, sometimes I get clear bowls, other times they don't. I think they store feed at times! :))
My 2 eat the mint one. They were on pet shop muesli mix when I got them and they preferred burgess. I've not tried them on the blackcurrant yet as haven't ever seen it in any shops.
My boys love it - I give both flavours. They prefer the mint ones but I think it is because the nuggets are a little bit bigger. You might have to have a gradual move over to anything new of they won't like the change x
I thought I'd try first putting some out in a dish on their own. In the past they've sniffed and ignored. If that happens I'll put some in their muesli. Again in the past they've assiduously eaten around them - I've counted the pellets I put in & how many are left. Hopefully this time it will be different.

The piggies at TEAS eat Burgess Excel. The ones with severe dental disease like the Blackcurrant and Oregano as they are really tiny nuggets and the rest have the mint ones. Both go down really well.
Thanks! As Peanut Butter has toofie issues I'm going to order the blackcurrant & oregano first.
My 2 eat the mint one. They were on pet shop muesli mix when I got them and they preferred burgess. I've not tried them on the blackcurrant yet as haven't ever seen it in any shops.
That sounds positive that yours went off muesli onto the Burgess!
My three girls have the mint one, they love it. I wouldn't give them anything but burgess excel.
My 2 are on the mint one, sometimes I get clear bowls, other times they don't. I think they store feed at times! :))
Hmmm now I'm thinking I should just order both flavours as it seems they all go down a treat.
My two seem to like the mint ones but have turned their nose up at blackcurrant in the past. It will take some getting used to for your piggies but, if the change over from old food to new is fairly gradual, i'm sure they will learn to like Burgess: I would say its one of the better pet store sold brands in the UK anyway.
My boys were on burgess and always seemed to prefer the mint ones. I guess you could try both and see which they prefer. My boys still ate the other flavour but they just seemed to always favour the mint :)
The rabbits will steal any left over mint ones! :))
That sounds positive that yours went off muesli onto the Burgess!
it was the cheap and nasty muesli they came with :vom: They used to tip the dish and spread it around Their cage. . They were actually somewhat neglected when I got them off Gumtree But now they r spoiled rotten. :nod:
I feed both; the blackcurrant more to my older piggies.
My two eat the mint ones. They love them. Without fail the bowls are cleared.
We are changing them over though in a few days, but they are favoured.
My older four piggies are on the Mint Excel. I tried the younger ones with it and they'll eat it because its new but stop after a day or two. They didn't like the Black current and oregano.
They are furry hoovers, Ronnie even jumped up on the piggies hutch after I'd put the bowl up out of his reach! :))
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