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Alby And Buddy Attempted Bonding.

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Julie M

Forum Donator 2023/24
Jun 9, 2014
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image.jpg Well the 2 boys have been together for 20 mins. Lots and lots of humping from buddy. I've seen rather too much of Buddy if u know what I mean. Alby is getting annoyed with Buddy humping and throwing him by raising his head or kicking. But so far no teeth chattering. So here's hoping it's a success.
Good luck! We've bonded two pairs of boars, first two young boars and just recently two older boars with no real problems :) Just the normal humping.

How old are they? They look like lovely little piggies :)
Alby is an older gent. Possibly 4/5 years old. His previous cagemate and him fell out. And I am not sure how old buddy is. Think about 18 weeks. He's tiny. Lol.
Ahh lol he's at the hump happy age! I'm sure your two boys will be perfectly fine when Alby tells Buddy how it is lol, either that or he'll get tired and bored :)

First two we bonded, my son took him (Storm) to the rescue, she got a younger piggie, about 2 or 3 months younger, and put him in with Storm and boom, sorted, got him back home put them in the cage and Storm seemed like he was babying Snow :) My son swears Storm took Snow some food once lol.

Second pair was recently, older boys, Big E because he lost his cage mate Sheamus (the love of my life he was, still is lol), a woman from the rescue we've adopted like six pets from contacted me because they were getting a boar the next day, just over a week later they met at the rescue, humping and such, bought him home, cleaned the cage and boom another bonded pair lol. Not 100% sure how old they are, I think Big's is 2 and half maybe a bit older and Jericho I think is about 2.
Aww that's good you adopt rescued pets. Alby and Fudge were advertised on a freeadds sight. And I got Buddy 2 weeks ago on Sunday from Pets at home adoption for pets bit. He's a right little character.
Arr bless :) Some people don't have access to the rescue's which is a shame. Pets at home adoption? Really? So someone got fed up with him fast? Poor guy. At least you've adopted him though :)
He was one of their piggies but I think he had a vet problem. So ended up in the adoption bit after he was treated. It said "genital problems" on his adoption form :eek: I wonder if he had been humping his cage mates. Lol. :roll:
Update:::::::: the 2 of them are cuddled up together in a cardboard box I put in. It's looking good. :yahoo:
Aww bless him, you have to be careful when you get animals from P@H.

Woohoo, I'll cross everything for you lol!
Well it's been over 6 and a Half hours now. I think this just might work. I have baby proofed the cage (cardboard all round the grids) and thoroughly cleaned every item in cage with vinegar. Question is how long do I have to wait till I put them back into the cage. Do I have to wait till tomorrow morning?
There's still occasional rumbling and lots of meeping from buddy. Not seen any humping for hours now. They just seem to be napping and then waking up munching hay. Occasionally following each other about. They have never chattered there teeth at each other not once.

Also does anyone know how old or what size it is safe to have a piggie in a c&c without raised sides? As I fear Alby will see the cardboard as more of a snack than a safety item. Lol :xd::doh:
You can put them in when you think it's safe, if you think they're happy together go for it :) We tried the first two as soon as they got home as their cage had been cleaned out etc. the second two about 20 - 30 minutes after because Big's cage needed sorting out first.

As for the C&C I think it would be safe when he can't fit through the gaps?
Problem is I don't know if he will be able to get his head through the grids as He is really quite small. I will see how things go am possibly remove the cardboard in a few weeks. That's if Alby hasn't eaten it before then! Lol (he's a greedy, mischievous piggie)
Lol I know that feeling, we have to cover the correx in fleece because our younger boar chomps on it otherwise!
Slidebinders are the way to go. :nod: I got mine on e bay. Only thing is they are a nightmare to fit unless you take apart the base ands life them on. Best £5 I ever spent. As my corex resembled hills at one point. Lol.
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