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Alby Is Making A Snuffling Noise

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Julie M

Forum Donator 2023/24
Jun 9, 2014
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Well this morning Alby is making a snuffling noise. I am blaming myself as I have a cold type bug. He's eating and pooping as normal.

Why do piggies always get sick on a Sunday when my usual vets is shut? I am planning on taking him to vets for pets in Kilmarnock.
Well this morning Alby is making a snuffling noise. I am blaming myself as I have a cold type bug. He's eating and pooping as normal.

Why do piggies always get sick on a Sunday when my usual vets is shut? I am planning on taking him to vets for pets in Kilmarnock.

Guinea pigs don't catch human cold or flu viruses, so whatever he has, has got another cause. However, it would be good if you used good hygiene when handling your piggies. ;)

Are you seeing a clear or yellow nasal discharge or is it just the breathing? Is it in the nose or further down in the lungs too when you hold your ear against the side?

If it is just in the nose with a clear discharge, it can be simply something stuck in the nose. However, it is always good to seek vet advice, especially if the problem has not solved itself by tomorrow.
No discharge. Just the rattly/snuffly noise. I've not caught him today yet as they still don't like being handled and I didn't want to stress him out.
I always wash my hands before handling them I was just worried incase I gave him what I've got. Thanks for your help. I will wait till my usual vet opens in the morning. As I would prefer to see them.
I've just checked on Alby and he's not snuffling at the moment. It's strange. I am going to keep an eye on him throughout the day. I gave him a rollini treat and he's munching away. Thanks @Wiebke for your advice.
I've just checked on Alby and he's not snuffling at the moment. It's strange. I am going to keep an eye on him throughout the day. I gave him a rollini treat and he's munching away. Thanks @Wiebke for your advice.

I know how frustrating this stage can be when it is off and on - and as soon as you see the vet, it's usually off anyway... :mal:
Best of luck that it was just a small temporary obstruction in his airways!
Thanks. I will be keeping a close eye on the little terror.
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