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Alex Is Booked In For His Op :)

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
Nr Bourne, Linconshire, uk
After having a good chat with my fab vet today about my two single boars we think it's best that my Alex is natered this has really put my mind at rest as he is becoming a bit down with not having a friend, the vet felt he was a dormant fella and finding another boar to keep him company is going to be hard going, also his Greece glands are in over drive and he is giving off this very very strong unpleasent smell (mainly urine/scenting I think) which means I have to change his bedding daily. Having the op should settle all this she said :) I will then look into finding him a rescue sow to marry in the summer....I remembered what wiebke says about not putting boars with a sow to soon after this op ;)
I just thought I would share this with you, any advice and tips when dealing with a post op piggy would be great too as ive not had a pet undergo surgery before.
Thanks as always, Kell.
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After having a good chat with my fab vet today about my two single boars we think it's best that my Alex is natered this has really put my mind at rest as he is becoming a bit down with not having a friend, the vet felt he was a dormant fella and finding another boar to keep him company is going to be hard going, also his Greece glands are in over drive and he is giving off this very very strong unpleasent smell (mainly urine/scenting I think) which means I have to change his bedding daily. Having the op should settle all this she said :) I will then look into finding him a rescue sow to marry in the summer....I remembered what wiebke says about not putting boars with a sow to soon after this op ;)
I just thought I would share this with you, any advice and tips when dealing with a post op piggy would be great too as ive not had a pet undergo surgery before.
Thanks as always, Kell.

Wishing your boy all the best!

Please make sure that you have hand feed and probiotics at home in case your boy is off food in the first hours or days after his op. Ask your vet when you pick him up post op how soon he can have more painkiller after the op and ask for some just in case.

The post-op waiting time is 6 weeks, so he will be able to live with a sow friend from Mid-January onwards; I am sure that he's love to have a wife sooner rather than later, especially if he is not happy on his own!

If you can, please date him at one of our recommended rescues in order to avoid all the problems re. potential pregnancy, ringworm or mites that several other Lincolnshire members have experienced when getting their piggies locally. In your neck of the world, unfortunately it really pays off to go further afield to date him with a submissive, laid back sow he gets on with. http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/pages/guinea-pig-rescue-locator/
Wishing your boy all the best!

Please make sure that you have hand feed and probiotics at home in case your boy is off food in the first hours or days after his op. Ask your vet when you pick him up post op how soon he can have more painkiller after the op and ask for some just in case.

The post-op waiting time is 6 weeks, so he will be able to live with a sow friend from Mid-January onwards; I am sure that he's love to have a wife sooner rather than later, especially if he is not happy on his own!

If you can, please date him at one of our recommended rescues in order to avoid all the problems re. potential pregnancy, ringworm or mites that several other Lincolnshire members have experienced when getting their piggies locally. In your neck of the world, unfortunately it really pays off to go further afield to date him with a submissive, laid back sow he gets on with. http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/pages/guinea-pig-rescue-locator/
Thank you very much for your helpful reply Wiebke, I got Alex from woodgreen animal shelter its a proper rescue its a bit of a horrid drive but worth it, I will be heading back to one of their two shelters to find his wife :) ive got his op booked for Tuesday 3rd feb I would of done it straight after christmas but I have my dreaded MOT in mid jan and I'm sure that's going to be costly :( . My vet operates via the tummy on a boar not their man bits it cuts down on the infection risk as well as a hernia. I will do as you said and have those supplies in ready incase he is off his food.
Thanks again and for the links which I will have a read off. Kell.
I've not experienced boar neutering but the same fab vet is my vet & she got my piggy through her hysterectomy & aftercare so you are in the best hands :) If you need any help with syringe feeding or being shown how to syringe feed etc I am more than happy to show you or help out :) x
I've not experienced boar neutering but the same fab vet is my vet & she got my piggy through her hysterectomy & aftercare so you are in the best hands :) If you need any help with syringe feeding or being shown how to syringe feed etc I am more than happy to show you or help out :) x
Aww thank you Poppy's mum :) that's lovely of you. Sarah is an amazing vet I always feel my boys are in safe hands with her so I know my alex will be ok (fingers crossed) x
Good luck Alex!

Leaving Thor at the vets for his op was the most stressful day I'd had in a long time so I sympathise! We'll all be here for support :) x
Good luck Alex!

Leaving Thor at the vets for his op was the most stressful day I'd had in a long time so I sympathise! We'll all be here for support :) x
Awww Thank you lovely, I had to find a way to resolve the two single boar issue and this seems the best way...just costly :doh: the only other option was rehoming Alex and were not doing that as he's part of the family. I'm please that Thor got on ok with his op x
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