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Allergic To Green Peppers?

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New Born Pup
Feb 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hello all!
So I did a quick search on here to see if it was already answered and came up short, so hopefully this hasn't been answered before.
I have three little girl guineas and I noticed recently that one of them sneezes occasionally when I feed her veggies. This happens with green peppers mostly (since that is what I feed them most) but occasionally with other veggies. Only one of them sneezes, so is this probably an allergy to these veggies? And if so would I have to stop feeding her the peppers? Because she loves them and they are so healthy for them (and cheap which is a plus ;)).

Thank you in advance for any input you all can provide. I'm not used to having guinea pigs.
I've never heard of piggies being allergic to food before, it seems especially strange that it would happen with fresh dust free veg too! If she's eating them then it's especially unlikely the pepper is causing a reaction.

It could be something to do with the fact that green peppers have a very distinct smell?
Or it could be to do with the fact that when you feed them they disturb their bedding in their excitement and stir up dust/dirt which gets up her nose.

If you are concerned or if the sneezing starts to occur regularly, when you aren't feeding her veggies, then I'd take her to the vets just to be sure.
Welcome to the forum. Never heard of this before. Would be thinking along the same lines as Tbag above. What is she bedded on? Does it happen with any other type of pepper?
Most of the few cases of allergy in guinea pigs that we suspect or see on here are related to bedding, hay dust or pollen, but I have never come across an allergy to veg so far in the years I have been on the forum. I agree with @Tbag that it would be more likely for her to stop eating what is causing her acute discomfort.
One of my pigs is exactly the same! She is currently sneezing away but still happily enjoying her green pepper, so I thought I would google if this was an unusual thing and stumbled across this site.
I have two girl piggies and one of them will sneeze if I give her green pepper. I think she is getting worse, so I am not sure what to do as it is her absolute favourite food! She never sneezes at any other time so it is definitely the pepper.
she might be inhaling bits of water that you've rinsed the veggies with. i've had a couple of mine do this when i gave them slightly wetter veg. :)
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