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Allergies (me Not My Piggies)

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I have bad allergies to hay and unfortunately because one of our boars is hormonal I'm having to have a cage behind me which really isn't doing me any good because of the hay, we did try moving them away from me but the hormonal boar just kept wheeking.

Can anyone suggest a type of hay or anything else that I can give to our guinea pigs which won't flare up my allergies please? I did see somewhere else that Orchard hay was better for allergies? Going to have to get a purifier as well.. yes that's how bad my allergies are lol and yes I am on meds but that just eases it.
i would avoid pet shop hays as they tend to be more dusty. i have bad allergies and get hay from hay4pets and seem alot better with this type. other than that, i'm not sure. i just take an antihistamine everyday which eases it slighty. :)
I have allergies to grass but have been fine with using the hays from hayforpets http://www.hayforpets.co.uk/
and also the hay from Timothy Hay http://www.timothyhay.co.uk/

These aren't dusty and my piggies no longer sneeze like they did with the pet store stuff.

I also take a daily antihistamine prescribed by the doctor. You can find them in stores like Home Bargains for under £1 :)
I'm on a nasal spray and antihistamines from the Dr but the hay still flares my allergies up quite badly. I've tried Oxbow Timothy, that flares it up.

Which is the best hay to get from hayforpets? I'll get some from there.

Thanks very much for the replies :D I appreciate it because the hay is making me unwell on a daily basis. At the moment I've taken the hay out of the cage behind me and have given them grass (freeze dry), they do have a tube to chew on in their cage, but I'm definitely going to buy from hayforpets.
I'm on a nasal spray and antihistamines from the Dr but the hay still flares my allergies up quite badly. I've tried Oxbow Timothy, that flares it up.

Which is the best hay to get from hayforpets? I'll get some from there.

Thanks very much for the replies :D I appreciate it because the hay is making me unwell on a daily basis. At the moment I've taken the hay out of the cage behind me and have given them grass (freeze dry), they do have a tube to chew on in their cage, but I'm definitely going to buy from hayforpets.

they all seem fine allergy wise. timothy and rye is stalky, meadow is very soft, and the ings is inbetween the two so whatever your piggies prefer. :)
I'll probably try the Timothy one first, see if they are ok with that. Thanks again :) I hate having allergies!
I went to the hay for you FB page, the woman on there said to try ings, so I'm going to give that a try next week.
My 2 boars absolutely LOVE ings hay. It's sweet smelling and not at all dusty. They popcorn like crazy when I fill the hayrack. Hope your allergies are better soon.
Everyone else has already covered everything but I would definitely agree with getting a purifier! We've got one and it has helped a huge amount. Let's just hope if you do get one it doesn't make some God aweful noise like our one does :(
Thanks for the replys :) The purifier I've seen is a bit expensive, however we have a big living room, it's meant to be silent and you don't need filters for it.

The funny thing is, one of the cages still has hay in, however because we've been giving them grass (freeze dry) they've not touched the hay lol, so it just shows which they prefer. I'm going to be ordering the ings hay on Thursday and cross fingers my allergies won't kick off too much! It doesn't help that this maisonette I live in is dusty as well.

Thanks again and I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New year :)
Hi, I'm currently having this problem with my 4 year old, did the Ings hay make a difference to the allergy?
I'm really sorry that I'm only just replying, I couldn't log in using my google account it keeps giving me an error so I've had to add a different account :/

I can say that yes Ings was ok in regards to allergies, I did have a bit of the symptoms but nothing like I'm getting atm now I've had to use a different hay, I'll be ordering some more Ings next week. I'm also going to get the materials for my Mum to make me some hay bags as well because I'm now going to have to have 2 of the cages in my bedroom, we moved home and this place is smaller than our previous place. I'll probably invest in a air purifier when I've got this place sorted out :)
I have terrible allergies. I take tablets and a nose spray from the Dr. I also have a air purifier which is one of the best things you can buy for allergies! I love mine! I have recently started using hay for pets for my hay and I've found it is so much better than shop bought! I have the meadow hay and my guineas go crazy for it! You can buy sample bags of all the hay from them too :)
I have been using ings hay for the last couple of weeks and the allergies have gone :-)
Ings from hay for pets is what I bought the last time but because we moved around the time they needed another bag and I couldn't afford it I had to opt for stuff from the pet shop, but I'll be ordering a bag of ings tomorrow, it's gone up to £18 because the company they use to deliver it are insisting that they use boxes otherwise they'll make them pay a surcharge :/

Allergies are horrible, I didn't have any until I got into my 20's, I don't know if it was the fact that I lived near a quarry at the time and the dust was really bad from it, orange/brown stuff or if it's just a "me" thing, or the other thing is, I was not exactly diagnosed but last year I was told I probably have fibromyalgia, I also have sensitivity to light, smells and noise, plus numerous other problems. I am on nasal spray, 2 - 3 time per day and tablets. I am definitely going to invest in a air purifier. What type do you have Leanneh? I'm after a ozone free one.
I've always had bad allergies, I'm even allergic to the guineas. Every time I cuddle them I'm red raw and itchy. :( the one I use is a home medics one. It's great. You can set a timer, change its speed, put it on rotate the lot! I got mine off amazon because it was cheaper than the shops and elsewhere I looked =] I'll put the link below

I'm not too bad when I hold the guinea pigs, sometimes I get a tight throat and such but I think it depends if they have been sat in the hay.

Thanks I've put that into favourites :)
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