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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Okay, so since having girls I've been really paranoid about them actually being boys, or one of them being a boy.

Amber seems to of taken over Mabel's growth quite a lot and is much chunkier. At first I thought this was just because she might be a big pig. But the more I watch her during floor time, the more I am convinced I can see 'boy swellings' developing at her rear end...

Probably just me being paranoid. I attempted to take a picture but the best I got was this awful one because she wiggles and try's to nibble my fingers when I lift her to try and check her... (Sorry it's sideways) The woman at my mums work who had them before me got them from a pet shop so her being a boar wouldn't surprise me. I would of thought if she was Mabel would of surely had babies by now?

Sorry for the ramble and awful photo. I'm just in slight panic mode.


P.s please ignore the sheep toy.. ;)
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I'm really sorry I cant tell anything from that picture, can you get someone to help you take another one?
I'm really sorry I cant tell anything from that picture, can you get someone to help you take another one?

I know, it was a dreadful attempt haha! I'll have to try again. I'm taking them to the vets for a nail trim soon so I'll ask her to double check them both. I think it might just be me being paranoid. :)
Best thing is to get your vet to check while you're there. I think you would have known by now if one was a boy but pigs always have the means to surprise us :)
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