Animal Reading

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
My mum is friends with a lady who does readings for pets and family that have passed away, usually humans and dogs, from photographs. But mum asked her to do one for my piggies who i lost in the last 2 months. this was the response, some people may be skeptical but i fully believe and take comfort in this just because of the accuracy of it considering she had never met them before.

Very happy smiley laughing creature, wiser older soul.
(Ben had a very old soul since the day he was adopted, very peaceful and wise.)
At the vets when he was PTS they were kind and gentle, he was ready to go and he drifted off peacefully, it is beautiful. (This was something i have been worrying about)
I went calmly and there is no need to fear.
He had precious moments: Lying on my chest and having whispers in his ears.
(Something I did every day, he used to sleep on my chest and under my chin and rumble when i spoke because he liked the vibrations from my voice, i used to whisper in his ears a lot)
Togetherness is special for him. (Meaning together with my other piggy?)
Message to me: I will let you know and you will know, you must do it. (Not sure what this meant but obviously something important)
She also picked up something about special moments with carrots (Typical pig) and smelly blobs (? not sure about this one, any ideas?)

Loved chasing, hiding and peek a boo type playing, LOVED it.
(VERY true, he used to run and hide behind the back of the cages whilst we were cleaning them out and we would chase him for hours)
Red cloth? (Not sure what this means)
Loved hiding under blankets (Also very true, if he spotted a blanked he would run and hide under it and popcorn)
Very happy energetic young soul (He had always been very baby-ish compared to ben and he was TINY)
Message to me: Dunking stick (Any ideas?!)
Loves running around
It was his time to leave and he went peacefully

Some of you may believe it, some not. But I just wanted to share with you as I took a lot of comfort in this.
I think it's great that this brings you comfort and whether or not other people believe it you do and that's what matters. You knew your piggies best and you'll feel the connection with them :hug:
Its up to you what you believe and if that comforts you then thats lovely x
:agr: IF it brought you comfort and her words were accurate, then that's all that matters. It doesn't matter what other people think or believe.
I think Ben's message to you was about when it was time to let him go. Smelly blobs: poops? Jerry's red cloth; a favourite fleece perhaps? Dunking stick? No idea!
if it gives some people comfort then thats good for them. if these readings are free of charge to all then seems ok. those that charge are scam artists I'm afraid to say. my pets (all rip now) never spoke to me when alive so dont think they will speak to a stranger now they have departed.
:agr: IF it brought you comfort and her words were accurate, then that's all that matters. It doesn't matter what other people think or believe.
I think Ben's message to you was about when it was time to let him go. Smelly blobs: poops? Jerry's red cloth; a favourite fleece perhaps? Dunking stick? No idea!
Good suggestions! I think you're right about Ben's message. Jerry never had any red on any of his blankets which is strange, he had a purple one... Yeah still no ideas about dunking stick hahahah
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