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Another Dental Pig

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Mar 31, 2011
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I am very worried about my guinea pig, Harry, and was hoping that one of you could give me some assurances that I am doing the right thing. Harry started to lose weight and I noticed that his bottom teeth were too long. I took him to a Vet and the Vet checked him out and also agreed that his teeth were way too long. He cut his two bottom teeth and suggested that I hand feed him and give him all his favorite treats to chew. He also expressed concern about his back teeth and indicated that he will have to put under for those to be cut. I have been syringe feeding Harry for five days now - pellet food mashed up in water; I also give him tiny flat pieces of a carrot through the side of his mouth. He can not pick up food to eat himself and he can not keep anything that is round (like a guinea pig pellet) in his mouth. He tries to keep it in, but it falls out. Putting things in his mouth only seems to work with something flat. Is there any hope? He seems to be suffering. I do think his front teeth are too short, which is why he can not keep round food in his mouth. I know it will take time. But, now I am worried about his back teeth and perhaps thats the problem. I do not think he will survive GA; I can not do that to him. If the back teeth are the issue, what symptoms will he be showing?
I'd be looking around for someone who can do it without putting him under! may mean some travelling but if it means your piggie will survive totally worth it!
My piggy Toffee had long front teeth due to her back teeth growing across her tongue and trapping it. My vet said once the tongue was trapped he would trim them under GA. She was under 500g and that worried me too.

I sought a 2nd opinion and was lucky to find a vet who did her teeth without GA and didnt want to wait until she was deteriorating either.

Sooooo I wonder if there's a better vet or a 2nd opinion you could get or a rodentologist near you ?

All I can say is there is hope. I felt Toffee was written off before xmas last year and now she's gone from strength to strength although did end up with a huge long (>40min) GA for a dental abscess she got after her dental work.... she gets her next dental next week which is 9 wks since her last one.

Best of luck with Harry - I'm sure others will have some other ideas for you

I'm in the United States, Virginia.
Thank you to all of you who have posted comments.
Hi there, Sorry to hear about poor Harry. It does sound like he may be having problems with his back teeth. There's not really any visible symptoms but weight loss, unable to eat etc. Teeth grow very quickly and so if he's having problems eating it is definitely a good idea to get this sorted out asap. Either trying to find a vet who can trim the back teeth without anaestheic, or book him in with the vet you saw and chance the anaestheic. He is probably also likely to have a sore mouth so perhaps you can get some oral daktarin (hope they do it in the US) and syringe 0.2ml daily.

There is a US forum but I can't remember the name of it mallethead

You could also get in touch with Laura at the guinea pig helpline. She's UK based but may have some suggestions for you in the US.

If you feel like he is suffering then you will make the right decision. I've seen and heard alot of stories about guineas with dental problems and I have to say the majority of them dont turn out well, without an experienced guinea savvy vet or rodentologist at beckened call. Sorry to be negative but i've been through it twice myself and it's an awful experience.

I hope someone can offer you some good advice, thinking of you xx
Hi try Guinea Lynx they have a listing of vets in the US .......... i do hope you can sort this out, poor little Harry :...
I'm sorry i forgot to say welcome :)
Wishing you both all the best xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have had a piggie with dental probs so know the distress you're going thru :{

their website is: www.guinealynx.com
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