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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 24, 2015
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Don't now if this is allowed but was wondering if anyone on here suffers from anxiety like I do. I have anxiety disorder and it has got better but I do still have my bad days where I can't leave my home because of how bad it is, I've also noticed ( however silly this may sound) since getting my guinea pig it's helped me mentally as its took my mind off the negative thought I have and haven't had a panic attack in nearly a month.
Don't worry, there was another anxiety thread on here a while ago and that didn't get deleted. I think you will find lots of support here. I too have anxiety (and mild depression) and I have only recently gone to my doctor about it. I had a phone conversation with a therapist on Friday and have been referred for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which is a 5 week course (2 hours a week) and starts in April. I am sorry you are struggling at the moment, have you spoken to the doctor? I can understand how having your piggy helps, animals are wonderful therapy.
Don't worry, there was another anxiety thread on here a while ago and that didn't get deleted. I think you will find lots of support here. I too have anxiety (and mild depression) and I have only recently gone to my doctor about it. I had a phone conversation with a therapist on Friday and have been referred for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which is a 5 week course (2 hours a week) and starts in April. I am sorry you are struggling at the moment, have you spoken to the doctor? I can understand how having your piggy helps, animals are wonderful therapy.
Yes i went to the doctor about a year ago now because I thought I was going crazy as I didn't now about anxiety at that time. It's horrible as I felt normal all of my life and then one day had a panic attack at work and felt like I was going to die lol as soon as I described what happened to the doctor he straight away told me it was anxiety disorder and prescribed me medication which I've switched a few times and now on fluoxetine which seems to be helping, my guinea pig has helped me a lot since having him, I haven't told anyone else because it sounds bit daft but I knew this forum would understand, I don't feel as bad and because I have something else to focus on and to care for it's really helped me, I was just wondering how other people get through it and if they suffer panic attacks aswell
Have you tryes counselling? I've got my first appointment next month to see one but a bit nervous about it
No they want to try the CBT first, I have heard that counselling can really help though. I think it does help to talk things through, I am very bad at bottling things up and it just makes me worse.
Yeah that exactly what I do and it seems to build up and then I have a bit of an emotional breakdown for a few days if that makes sense. I think it will be good to go to counselling so I'm defiantly going to go :)
I hope we have re-assured you that noone is going to delete your thread. This forum is made up of so many different people . The glue that holds us together is our love of guinea pigs - but it is so nice that there are other threads ( such as this one) where people can talk about other things in their lives. I hope counselling helps you.
Yeah that exactly what I do and it seems to build up and then I have a bit of an emotional breakdown for a few days if that makes sense. I think it will be good to go to counselling so I'm defiantly going to go :)
I have suffered for a few years and counselling is the best medicine! You just go in, chat a load and probably have a little cry (there's no shame in it, it's healing) then you come out feeling like you can take on the world! :yahoo:
I've been on citalopram for about 4 years and this week I have cut down from 30mg to 20. It's like being back at the beginning and I had a panic attack today for the first time in years. Luckily I knew that it was just down to withdrawrel and not actually panicking....prob didn't help that I was in the middle of a rediculously busy train station and I still struggle with my social anxiety, but I was brave and survived.
The piggies are an amazing help. They're so calming and soothing. Also, the love and affection you feel for them is probably the most soothing and rewarding thing in the world.
If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me any time. Bug hugs and well done for taking the scary steps to get help! It's the hardest part and took me months!
You are so not alone in suffering with anxiety and no one on here will judge you for it. I suffered a severe trauma a few years ago and developed a full blown PTSD as a result. I thought I was going mad afterwards as I had stress, anxiety and panic attacks which I had never had before. I've had very successful trauma based CBT but accept that I will now always have a degree of anxiety which is a bit of a hangover from the trauma. CBT gave me my mental toolkit to deal with the anxiety, I have coping strategies I would not otherwise have learned so I can't speak highly enough of CBT but I know it's not for everyone as you do have to do lots of "homework" to help yourself. I have to say that my piggies were key to keeping me sane in the early days of my illness so I know just what you mean. I hope that your counselling helps. If it doesn't - don't fear. Just ask if you can try CBT. it has helped so many people I know that I can only be positive about it,
I've had CBT and counciling for severe anxiety so I understand. The counciling really helped and it's definitely worth looking into. I have OCD but not in wanting everything clean like most people think, it's about me having obsessive thoughts about terrible things I have no control over, like dying for example.

For me now it's about learning what is most likely to trigger me, and the steps I take in order for me not to get so far into a downward spiral I can't get out. My pets certainly help :) I also keep a journal which is great for getting my crazy out of my head and onto paper.

You are not alone :)
Hi, I too suffer from bad anxiety and depression and ocd. I found my piggies to help. And I come on here a lot which helps me tremendously. I've just given up the cbt as I find it helpless (that and the fact I'm too scared to try and face my fears!) I'm being referred to counciling now. I had fluoxetine which helped but I hate going out and to the Drs so stopped taking it, bad move but I just don't want to go back. Please feel free to pm me if you ever want to talk x
Thank you for your replies this forum is so friendly and understanding. I will try cbt and see if it helps :) x
I've had social phobia, generalised anxiety disorder and clinical depression for nearly 9 years. I've had loads of CBT and gradually I'm going out more. I also have OCD.
I'm always here if you need to talk as are others.
My guinea pigs have helped me tremendously as I know I have to go out to get them veg/hay etc.
I too have suffered depression and anxiety and sometimes the palpitations and fear on leaving the house has been immense :( I was originally put on citalopram but it disagreed with me and my doctor was rubbish so I took myself off and went back to square one. I was on fluxoetine for 3-4 years and had 2 years of counselling. I came off the fluxoetine extremely slowly taking my last one in July last year!

It's a hard slog and in my experience means reprogramming the way you interpret and react to different situations (well it was certainly that way for me). I wouldn't say I'm cured, I have had mild panicky moments only this weekend but I do feel much more in control and able to reassure & calm myself down.

My guinea pigs have been a godsend in helping me too. On tough days I keep going because they need me, plus I can get non judgmental furry snuggles as and when needed :)
i have social anxiety and depression. the piggys help cause sometimes its really terrifying to talk to people, and humans need social interaction. that's what we got the piggys for, mine are 'working' pigs.
their job is to keep me company, and sometimes be a distraction for people that i am too scared to talk to
@Rach_91 I'm really sorry that you are struggling with anxiety. You are certainly not alone. I am currently on a waiting list for CBT and was given propanalol to take when I have panic attacks but I am finding that it is not enough, I need something else to help me, especially if I am to keep going to work, so I am going back to my GP on Monday.
I've had Depression and Social Anxiety since I was about 10 years old with only recently being properly diagnosed. My pigs are my life. I do everything for them because I have the time to spend with them because I don't go out. I love having a snuggle with them and they can help me feel a bit less sad on my bad days.
I had counseling and it was horrible. My Councillor told me the same stuff I have known all of my teenage life, and didn't seem to understand the situation/illness at all. It can help some people, but it will never work for me. I started anti depression medicine in November last year and I've vastly improved. I still don't go out, but I can actually feel a spectrum of emotions now other than just "sad" or "nothing". Most doctors recommend a mix of cbt and other talking therapies, but are reluctant to offer tablets. So if you do ever wants meds, you might have to push for them.

Your not alone and good luck with any therapy you try
I used to take propanolol but it didn't seem to make a difference in panic attacks I felt a bit more relaxed at work but that's about it. I'd have to hide my anxiety at work and after a few weeks of have a big panic attack and have to run from my desk to the toilets to try and calm down it was an ordeal every day of the three years I worked for that company, luckily enough now my partner has his own business and I help out so it helps my anxiety without feeling too pressured. I take fluxotine now and find it is helping but I'm defiantly going to try counselling. Thank you to all of you who replied and for saying I can always message you for a chat, that was really thoughtful and has made me feel like there's a lot more people out there who understand and nows how it feels to live with anxiety :) feel free to message me too if any of you need a chat x
I used to have anxiety and depression too. Thankfully I have been able to put it all behind me and have been ok for about 10 years. I still have occasional panic attacks but it is in relation to me not being able to find a toilet (would you believe!). I have to say, the healing process has turned me into a stronger person and it takes a lot to push me over the edge now :box: It took counselling, citalopram, family support, a strict routine and ditching all of my current 'friends' (they weren't really) to get me there.
I used to have anxiety and depression too. Thankfully I have been able to put it all behind me and have been ok for about 10 years. I still have occasional panic attacks but it is in relation to me not being able to find a toilet (would you believe!). I have to say, the healing process has turned me into a stronger person and it takes a lot to push me over the edge now :box: It took counselling, citalopram, family support, a strict routine and ditching all of my current 'friends' (they weren't really) to get me there.

I'm glad Citalopram worked for you, all it did for me was make me gain 3 stone!

I have also helped myself by ditching 'friends' and having an exercise routine plus trying to sleep at the same time every night.
I used to have anxiety and depression too. Thankfully I have been able to put it all behind me and have been ok for about 10 years. I still have occasional panic attacks but it is in relation to me not being able to find a toilet (would you believe!). I have to say, the healing process has turned me into a stronger person and it takes a lot to push me over the edge now :box: It took counselling, citalopram, family support, a strict routine and ditching all of my current 'friends' (they weren't really) to get me there.

This is my issue as well if you can believe it! And I work with another girl who has the same issue. I am so lucky because my fiance really tries to understand this issue and when he plans trips for us he looks up all the toilets and shows me the map and explain how he has planned stops for me just in case. He is such a good guy I lucked out big time. And I 100% think animals are tiny furry therapists. I agree that this forum is super understanding and non judgmental, because we all have something in common, our love for our pigs- and frankly if you love your pigs you can't be that bad ;)
This is my issue as well if you can believe it! And I work with another girl who has the same issue. I am so lucky because my fiance really tries to understand this issue and when he plans trips for us he looks up all the toilets and shows me the map and explain how he has planned stops for me just in case. He is such a good guy I lucked out big time. And I 100% think animals are tiny furry therapists. I agree that this forum is super understanding and non judgmental, because we all have something in common, our love for our pigs- and frankly if you love your pigs you can't be that bad ;)
Blimey - I have never known of anyone else with this weird issue! When we go to the cinema I have to sit at the end of the row in an obvious place in case I have to go pee and cant find my way back (I have never peed during a film but it still freaks me out). In a restaurant: place order, go pee, eat starter, go pee, eat main course, go pee, eat dessert, pay bill, go pee! I can easily go pee (except there is nothing there) every 5mins before something happens - like having to get on a plane. It is seriously annoying. I blame my grandparents because I always had to go pee before we went anywhere - even if I didn't need to!
I'm a sufferer too.
I started on citalopram in my very early twenties (maybe even late teens) and I am now 36 and still on them.
I take 30mg a day but also take something else beginning with a p during very traumatic times- e.g. When my mum passed away last year.
Counselling didn't really work for me- I've had to make (and indeed I am still making) life changes.
I work less hours, and quit a managers job in childcare to do home help imstead. I dint need the pressures and the stress.
I'd rather be less well off and be happy!
@theoretikos does citalopram make people gain weight? I was going to ask for it when I see my GP but am nervous of taking anything that makes me gain weight :(
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