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Any Advice Please - Lump On Back Leg

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Julie Rose

New Born Pup
Apr 2, 2015
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My piggie Maisie has a small lump by her back leg, looking at it, it looks like a spot and feels like a raised spot, anybody got any advice or know of a good guinea pig vet near to Leatherhead, Surrey?
One of my rescue boys had a lump on his back leg which turned out to be an abscess. It was removed at the same time as he was neutered. It's best to get anything like this checked by a vet sooner rather than later because caught early most things can be fixed x
Please have any lump seen by a vet. Only he can make a proper diagnosis and take appropriate treatment. You have already been given the link to our recommended piggy savvy vets locator.
Thank you everyone, I have her booked in with a vet on Monday. I have insurance but just taken it out on them so it will be within the 14 days waiting time so they'll not cover this visit.
Oh bless that's unfortunate about the insurance it could be a harmless fatty lump, abscess, tumour or a foreign body so severity can be very varied and a vets visit is the best way to find out what you are dealing with. Hope it goes well for Maisie
Thanks all for your advice, Maisie has a cyst which they drained for me... and breathe! xx
What a relief that it is nothing serious and that you haven't incurred any major cost while your insurance is not covering you! Finding a lump is always a worrying time.
Luckily they just charged me the £32 for Vet consult and £6 for both their nails to be cut. It was a sebaceous cyst and she burst it and then put stuff on it, not sure if I need to do anything more with it but Maisie appears to be okay and pop corning around her CC home. I'm so glad I got it checked.
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