Any Tips ?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2013
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Anybody got any tips as to how I can stop stripey going underneath the pet towel when it's playtime in the pan
Correction pen
I don't know why he does it he started doing after we had his operation and haven't got out the habit and it's really annoying me because it sends hey everywhere
Naughty piggy
I have tried weighing the edges down with bowls of stuff but still manages to get under naughty boy
Could you get a towel that is bigger than the pen, spread it out on the floor and then stand the pen on top of it? There would be no edges for him to get under.

I have a burrower, I put smaller pieces of fleece or vetbed in the cage to try to distract him from going under the bigger fleece. It seems to be working for now.
Or give him a pile of towels and fleece pieces in the pen to play with?
Do they have lots of boxes and things to hide in while they are in their play pen?
If not maybe he just wants somewhere to hide?
I have lots of hiding places but that's not good enough for him he wants to go underneath where all is
I think he's doing it to try and get my other picture join him lol
My Bella is a fleece burrower, unfortunately nothing I have tried has stopped her doing it so I just let her get on with it lol. I was fighting a losing battle :))
The only thing you can do is stitch them together or have you got anyone who will do it for you. Mine used to be horrible for doing that & once one did it they all piled under. Little sods. :lol!:
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