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Anyone Reading Any Good Books Atm?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 22, 2013
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Essex, UK.
I bought a really good book a couple of weeks ago. "Comanches; the history of a People" It's really interesting. The native Americans have long been a subject that I'm keen on. The book tells about their culture and customs, how they evolved from the Shoshone Indians, how the arrival of the horse affected them as a people, and loads more interesting stuff.
I'm not sure if people will mind me commenting as I read chick lit and most people hate it. I'm reading three amazing things about you by Jill mansell. She is one of my favourite authors and I'm really enjoying it.
Just about to finish Under The Dome by Stephen King... it's a bit sadistic for my tastes, and violent, but the tension and how the story unfolds is worth the 877 pages - it's really gripping.
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@7squeakers that book dose sound very interesting. I do read sensible good books but at the moment read paranormal romance and urban fantasy, its good escapism. I am reading the Susan McCloud Spell Crackers series at the moment.
Just finished 'The vanishing witch' by Karen Maitland it was good but not as good as her first book 'company of liars'
@piggyfan I like to read chick lit, nothing wrong with that. For me, it's easy to pick up and put down and remember what's going on which is handy as I often go a week between getting time to read at all. I enjoyed The Beach Cafe by Lucy Diamond a few months ago.
Your original post @7squeakers. made me think of my great reading interest. I really like reading books about China and what it was like living there in the past. I enjoy books covering any era in China's history including right way back in time and very modern. I like fact and fiction ones. I liked Factory Girls by Leslie Chang.

I also like books by Amy Tan such as the bone setters daughter. These have Chinese characters but aren't always set in China. I've read all her books.
Just started reading 'The Casual Vacancy' by JK Rowling. A very good read (as seen on T.V). Or anything by Ken Follett or J.M Auel if you fancy a prehistoric epic.
@piggyfan I wouldn't worry - I generally only ever read chit lit as well. I used to love reading as a kid but always swore I wouldn't read books for adults because I thought they were boring! Then at 18 my mum bought the first 'Shopaholic' book for our holiday, despite hating shopping I ended up reading it and have been hooked to chit lit ever since! We even have a great picture of me on the beach, the picture is all blurred because I was laughing and then telling mum which bit I was laughing at and so we were both laughing too much to take a straight picture (before the days of digital photos!)

I don't get much chance to read for leisure these days but generally stick to the typical chick lit books. I also like the slightly more serious stories that cover gritty stories and really make you feel and think. Catherine Ryan Hyde is probably my favourite author - I read 2 of her books without realising that she had written 'Pay it Forward' or that one of the books I read was actually quite well known - there's something about her writing that makes you feel like you're the only one who's ever read the story, like there's something really special about it that no-one else knows about.

Although I don't get any time to read I did steal a few hours this week to finally find out what all the 'Fifty Shades' fuss is all about! Annoyingly it's a bit like when I watched Twilight, didn't really enjoy it but need to see it through to the end to find out how it all ends!
Just started reading 'The Casual Vacancy' by JK Rowling. A very good read (as seen on T.V). Or anything by Ken Follett or J.M Auel if you fancy a prehistoric epic.

I have read two of Ken Follets books, "World Without End" and the other one, I can't remember the title. What was it? They were both made into films for TV a few years ago. I was probably reading them as they were being filmed! They were set in medi-eval times. They were two of the best books I've ever read. Another brill book I've read that was made into a film was "Lonesome Dove". Who wrote that?

I am sure that there are lots of Terry Pratchett fans out there. I've read all of his Disc-world books. Are there any adults out there who have read Brian Jacques' Redwall novels?
I have not read any Ken follet but have just had a look and ordered ,'pillers of the earth'
Just started reading 'The Casual Vacancy' by JK Rowling. A very good read (as seen on T.V). Or anything by Ken Follett or J.M Auel if you fancy a prehistoric epic.

I read Casual Vacancy last year - I found it really hard going, but so glad I stuck with it. I need to read JM Auel books again, its been too long since I read them. At the moment I'm reading 'Hitler Stole My Pink Rabbit' by Judith Kerr. I really enjoyed reading Rachel Joyce's books last year, I would recommend all three of her novels.
@7squeakers. i loved the redwall books as a kid! Very strange as I was only thinking about them this morning! :eek:
At the time I had all of them though there's probably a few ones released later I never read.

That Comanches book sounds interesting too, I love native american history. So sad though. Have you read Bury My Heart?

I'm currently reading You Only Love Twice and just finished On Her Maj Secret Service before that - they're quite fun reading!
I have not read any Ken Follet but have just had a look and ordered ,'pillers of the earth'

"Pillars of the Earth" that's the one I was trying to think of. It was brilliant! You'll enjoy that one.

@Tbag, yes, I have read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee". Another great book.

I must have a look on Amazon and see if Brian Jacques has any new Redwall books coming out.
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