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Are my indoor guineapigs in danger of being eaten by rats?

Thanks. I think Fudge was beautiful, Rumball wasn't good looking but he was a much more friendly rodent and liked nibbling me. They're both dead now though.
If guinea pigs are the same species as mice & rats, I would have thought that they would have got on like a house on fire.
Which it isn't, you just need a bit more height on that cage. I'm noticing that when they come out, they are bent over. Obviously in pain.
Guinea pigs are very different to rats. Rats are carnivores, guinea pigs are herbivores. Put a carnivore and herbivore together and it may not end well.

Their was plenty of headroom for my rodents when they were out on the grass. Rumball and Fudge loved being outside on the grass but when Rumball died and I replaced him with Walking Wig, Walking Wig hated it and would just charge into the clear plastic and was really scared and skittish so I stopped putting them out. When both Fudge & Walking Wig died and I had just my girl rodents Pretty Fat & Ugly (who I’ve still got), I tried putting them out on the grass but they too were scared stiff and they were young at the time and fast so I was worried about losing one by accident so they don’t go outside either. I go grass cutting every day and bring it to them instead.