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Are My Piggies Okay?

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New Born Pup
Dec 6, 2014
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Are my piggies okay?

My two sows are called Poppy who is a year and Pudsey who is about 10 weeks.

Iv noticed this week, one of the pigs is leaving smooth creamy discharge on the fleece. I'm thinking it's the younger one Pudsey. Iv checked her pee when she done it on my floor and it's very creamy colour. She is eating and drinking okay. She is alert and no change in behaviour.

Iv noticed there seems to be more pee as well. More than usual. Any ideas.
They are calcium pees and nothing to worry about. it is the normal way to get rid of any excess calcium. You may want to cut down a little bit on high calcium foods like kale and other cabbages, spinach or broccoli and filter the water if you are living in a hard water area if you have those pees often.

PS: I have moved the thread to the health/illness section.
Thanks for the reply. Was starting to panic. Just love my wee piggies. x
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