Are These Happy Guinea Pig Sounds?

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raphael alves

New Born Pup
Feb 22, 2015
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hi, i'm a new guinea pig owner

my 2 males came home 2 days ago.

when i'm feeding them carrots on my lap, they make lots of different noises and feel like running around and stuff.

they are brothers and they are really scared of me, one just eats what i have to offer when the other one does, they both trust or neither one does.

i don't know what they are trying to tell me, cause each site tells me thousands of different meanings to the same freaking sound.

so, i recorded the sounds they make while they're on my lap, can you guys tell me if i'm making them happy or if they are upset?

They sound like happy boys to me! My boys make that noise when they are just wandering around and exploring. Kinda like chatting to eachother or mumbling to themselves!
thanks, but are you sure? cause a lot of people told me that this is some kind of whining.
My boys are currently doing it now and they are happily munching away on their veg. They often do it when I rearrange their cage and they are exploring all the new places! Ive never worried about that sound, it's always been a positive one for me!
i don't get it, they run from me like i'm the freaking devil and then make that sound when they are on my lap. lol
They are still getting used to being in a new environment, so it's totally normal!
Ive had one of my boys almost a year now and he still runs from me like I'm a crazy person! But loves being on my lap once I get him.

Once your boys settle down you will really learn their personalities and you will know when they are happy or maybe being a little grumpy :) so I wouldn't worry :)
They sound happy to me. I will confess I didn't listen to the full recording, but what I heard sounded like typical guinea pig 'chatting' to me. Most guinea pigs are wary of people when they are young (they are domestic animals, but are not naturally confident with people the way dogs would be, for instance.) They are prey animals in the wild and still behave like prey animals, and healthy caution is what keeps prey animals from being dinner! A lot of guinea pigs are scared to be picked up, even if they don't mind being held once they are caught. I think there are some sticky notes at the top that talk about tricks for taming guinea pigs. My basic method has been to be sure to hold them every day, even if it's only for a short time, and to talk to them a lot so they get used to the sound of my voice. Lots of food treats for positive reinforcement. My experience is that, with my pigs, they first got comfortable sitting on my knee, then accepting food from my hands, then being picked up with out a fight, and last being patted while in the cage or on the ground without being picked up. It does take some time. My new addition, Hadley, has been with us for a month, and we are now at the point where she is comfortable being held and will creep forward and take food from me. She still hates to be picked up (I do it quickly by hand, though some people let their pet come to a box or a cozy and then pick them up to minimize stress.) She no longer hides when I walk past unless the movement startles her (I usually say hi so she knows I'm coming.) And she wheeks for food, which I always think is a good sign!
Hi and welcome!

Please give your boys time to settle down and get their bearings. They are lively, chatty youngsters; it is a good sign that they are vocal so soon after their arrival. it means that they are not frozen with fear. They will be even louder and more excited when out and about, like on your lap. This is a mechanism to keep the group in the grassland constantly informed of their whereabouts and status at a time when they are at their most vulnerable to accidents and predators.

Here are some information threads on how to best settle in your two boys and get to know them:

We have got more information at the top of our various Care sections, which you may want to browse through in the next few days.

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