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Are They Bonding?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Michigan, US
I adopted a guinea pig who I named Midnight Bear about a month ago. I wanted to get him a companion so I built a bigger cage and adopted Panda Bear. Midnight is definitely the dominant pig, but I'm not sure if they're bonding or not. Its been two days, one night. I did take Midnight out once and when I did he started whining and wanted to go back in his cage so I decided not to take him out for a couple days. They both steal each others food and hay, Midnight still rumblestruts around and Panda squeals really loudly when midnight comes near him, but not when he goes to Midnight on his own accord, which he does often. Also, when I go near Panda when I'm trying to hand feed him, he runs to Midnight seemingly for protection. Is this good? They also sleep next to each other. But occasionally Midnight will mount Panda and Panda will nip at him. There has not been any bloodshed or violent fighting. Are they being normal?
I was once told that I should leave them be unless blood is drawn. They are just attempting to establish who is boss at the moment and once that is taken care of they will bond. I know it can freak you out to hear the high-pitched squeal but don't take him away unless he has been injured. My two boys have taken a very long time to finally bond, now they are inseparable. Argo finally forgave Salem for biting him I guess. Even though Argo is dominant, Salem was young and still testing his bite power.. he even bite me a few times but when I show pain he realizes he was biting too hard and goes back to nibbling. Something you can do to help Panda when he has had enough of being mounted and harassed is build something small enough for only him to get under/into so Midnight cannot follow. I purchased some untreated pine wood blocks from bunnings and put two each side and two on top just big enough for Salem to squeeze in between to catch his breath. I am new to the forum but hopefully I have been helpful.
Totally normal and nothing whatsoever to worry about. The dominance is all well in the mild range, which is par for the course. Mounting is part and parcel for daily boar behaviour. Please leave them be! Your two boys have settled together and sorted themselves out, apart from the occasional mild throwing around of weight.
It just sounds like normal behavior as they work out who will be the dominant pig. They're figuring it out- so far, so good!
Totally normal and nothing whatsoever to worry about. The dominance is all well in the mild range, which is par for the course. Mounting is part and parcel for daily boar behaviour. Please leave them be! Your two boys have settled together and sorted themselves out, apart from the occasional mild throwing around of weight.
Hi wiebke sorry for jumpin in this post just wanted to ask you something about my two boars I have put them both together in their cage but don't leave them alone together, Chucky was my first gp and then I got his brother rocky a week ago they are rumble strutting mounting and now again teeth chatter and go for each other so I split them up should I leave them unless they are Hurting each other?
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