Ashleigh Vets Out Of Hours Service (manchester Area)

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2009
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just wanted to make a thread about them as i'm having to use them at the moment for eddie and i was worried about it but i've been really reassured by the service they provide.

there are three vets who take turns to work it. the one i have met is a lady called alex and she's so lovely. they have a nurse/nurses there and there is always one of the usual vets on call aswell to come in at short notice to do any emergency ops etc. they take turns to be on call.

but for anyone who see's aidan, she said he makes sure his phone is always on if there is any of his patients in so he can be there for them.
luckily for me, aidan is the vet on call at the moment which makes me feel alot better.

it was really relaxed when i went there. you can stay for hours if you want. and it was just really relaxed and calm.

so hope this thread helps anyone who uses their out of hours in the future.
They sound amazing they really do. Lots of love to Eddie x
I went to Ashliegh vets with Jack at after 11 at night, they are amazing give you complete care I wouldn't fault them, it does come with a heafty price tag tho. They couldn't help Jack even for the best efforts,left with a staggering 350 bill, he was worth it , I'm trying to pay it off in instalments. I did recieve a card of them today however expressing their sympathies, which is a lovely touch. All in all I would go there again if I needed xx
I went to Ashliegh vets with Jack at after 11 at night, they are amazing give you complete care I wouldn't fault them, it does come with a heafty price tag tho. They couldn't help Jack even for the best efforts,left with a staggering 350 bill, he was worth it , I'm trying to pay it off in instalments. I did recieve a card of them today however expressing their sympathies, which is a lovely touch. All in all I would go there again if I needed xx

can you remember which vet was working the out of hours? the one i met called alex is finishing tomorrow morning and another one, called peter i think?, is taking over then. i'm really anxious about it to be honest because i don't know him. i hope he's nice. i find it very very difficult leaving them with a stranger. it's like you have to trust them with some'one' that means the absolute world to you, and that's very hard. although around here, i'm so glad right now that ashleigh vets have an out of hours now. i would not be confident at all leaving them at one of the others. so i know they're in the best place they could be. but i'm not good with change and now liking this vet alex so much, i just worry i won't feel the same with this next one and if i'm not, i will be even more anxious.

i found the sympathy cards a nice touch aswell. like you say, worth every single penny to get them the best care. x
i don't like the new vet who has taken over the out of hours. knew this would happen :(:(:(
i don't like the new vet who has taken over the out of hours. knew this would happen :(:(:(
Oh dear I saw a young girl can't remember her name she was really nice was always willing to talk to me at any time, day or night ,if your not happy speak to the manager and voice your concerns, he proberbly is a very good vet and as with doctors some have a good bedside manner some to not.
What is your piggies illness xx
Oh dear I saw a young girl can't remember her name she was really nice was always willing to talk to me at any time, day or night ,if your not happy speak to the manager and voice your concerns, he proberbly is a very good vet and as with doctors some have a good bedside manner some to not.
What is your piggies illness xx

thanks. i've spoken to him again as i was worried and he was much better with me and is going to ring my usual vet to ask his opinion aswell. i probably did judge too quickly as i'm not good when someone has a more cold manner. the other lady alex was so lovely and warm and friendly. i prefer that than the cold clinical way.

eddie has kidney disease. x
Oh dear I saw a young girl can't remember her name she was really nice was always willing to talk to me at any time, day or night ,if your not happy speak to the manager and voice your concerns, he proberbly is a very good vet and as with doctors some have a good bedside manner some to not.
What is your piggies illness xx
Have to agree about other vets the first vet we too Jack too didn't seem to have a clue, just gave him antibiotics, no pain killer, only on advise from this forum about piggie metabolism did I question him, he seemed really ruffled by it. Ashliegh knew he had no infection cos his temp was perfect, and was quite annoyed that the previous vet hadn't even taken his temp .
thanks. i've spoken to him again as i was worried and he was much better with me and is going to ring my usual vet to ask his opinion aswell. i probably did judge too quickly as i'm not good when someone has a more cold manner. the other lady alex was so lovely and warm and friendly. i prefer that than the cold clinical way.

eddie has kidney disease. x
Poor Eddie I hope he gets well soon, how long as he been there now xx
These young vets that cover weekends have to work long hours, all the time Jack was there so was the vet that admitted him, they can easily work 72 hours non stop x
These young vets that cover weekends have to work long hours, all the time Jack was there so was the vet that admitted him, they can easily work 72 hours non stop x
Jack was there from Friday night till Sunday afternoon until we made the descion to put him to rest. Only Sunday afternoon did I speak to a different vet who was a senior vet who made the decision along with myself x
thank you. he's been there a couple of days now. aidan is on call aswell and back tomorrow morning early so i hope eddie can stay stable until then because i trust aidan's opinion more than anyone else's. but eds is staying until at least tomorrow, but maybe longer if he responds. it isn't looking like he is though so tomorrow may be the day we have to let him go. it's just gut wrenching. x
These young vets that cover weekends have to work long hours, all the time Jack was there so was the vet that admitted him, they can easily work 72 hours non stop x

yes, alex was there from when eddie went in and she finished this morning. which means the man is now there for at least the next half week, and then it'll be the other lady who is meant to be really nice. she has her own rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchilla's so she should be a good one to have there. she also went to uni with alex so they're friends and she said she's lovely. can't remember her name. x
Jack was there from Friday night till Sunday afternoon until we made the descion to put him to rest. Only Sunday afternoon did I speak to a different vet who was a senior vet who made the decision along with myself x

aidan is the senior vet on call so it would be him who spoke to me if they thought it was time to let eddie go.

so sorry about jack. x
thank you. he's been there a couple of days now. aidan is on call aswell and back tomorrow morning early so i hope eddie can stay stable until then because i trust aidan's opinion more than anyone else's. but eds is staying until at least tomorrow, but maybe longer if he responds. it isn't looking like he is though so tomorrow may be the day we have to let him go. it's just gut wrenching. x
Yes it is. I had decided on the Saturday to let him go if there was no improvement but he perked up so I decided to hang on a little longer, Sunday he was the same, but as piggies do he went down hill fast. They are only little things and can only take so much stress, and if they are Ill sometimes it's best for them. I do hope thing improve. My heart goes out to you. Xxxxx hugs x keep us posted x
the other positive thing i meant to mention was that even if they have to more closely monitor eddie, he would still be next door to mollie and able to know she is close by and interact through the bars. but of course they keep them together unless it becomes absolutely necessary to split them. really important for a bonded pair i think. especially as mollie is the one eddie is responding to the most x
the other positive thing i meant to mention was that even if they have to more closely monitor eddie, he would still be next door to mollie and able to know she is close by and interact through the bars. but of course they keep them together unless it becomes absolutely necessary to split them. really important for a bonded pair i think. especially as mollie is the one eddie is responding to the most x
Yes they offered Murray to come as well. But they were not that closely bonded more a love hate relationship really. I hope Mollie can help Eddie. Healing squeaks from Murray and Jack x
i think i was a bit harsh on this new out of hours vet. he's rang me again to update and spoken to aidan for me. i know it's hard for nurses to even get a placement there so i don't think they'd employ anyone who didn't know what they were doing. i just struggle with change. but he's been nice to me over the phone.
i think i was a bit harsh on this new out of hours vet. he's rang me again to update and spoken to aidan for me. i know it's hard for nurses to even get a placement there so i don't think they'd employ anyone who didn't know what they were doing. i just struggle with change. but he's been nice to me over the phone.
They are there to help you piggie I'm sure they will do there very best. Good vets are hard to find, some treat exotic pets when they don't have a clue, they treated my bearded dragon there, excellent care and I kept him till he was 7 years old till he died, again not cheap but worth it xx
They are there to help you piggie I'm sure they will do there very best. Good vets are hard to find, some treat exotic pets when they don't have a clue, they treated my bearded dragon there, excellent care and I kept him till he was 7 years old till he died, again not cheap but worth it xx
Is Eddie in guinea pig critical care ? Jack was, round the clock care costs xx
i met this new out of hours vet last night and have to say that i was too quick to judge him. in person he's much warmer and you can tell he's naturally a shy person so i think that's why he came across as he did on the phone. but he was very kind to both eddie and i. x
i met this new out of hours vet last night and have to say that i was too quick to judge him. in person he's much warmer and you can tell he's naturally a shy person so i think that's why he came across as he did on the phone. but he was very kind to both eddie and i. x
So pleased to hear it how is Eddie doing ? X
Oh my it happened quickly with Jack too. My heart goes out to you it really does. Rest well little Eddie . My thoughts are with you at this sad time. Hugs to you x

thank you. he tried so hard to fight but he was really struggling and became worse so i had to let him go. he wasn't going to get any better sadly. :( i miss him so much x
thank you. he tried so hard to fight but he was really struggling and became worse so i had to let him go. he wasn't going to get any better sadly. :( i miss him so much x
I know how you feel I really do, Jack to tried got a bit much for him, you did your best for him and the best care it wasn't to be, I know Eddie knew he was loved, and he loved you too. Remember the good times you had , Eddie would want that. x take care x
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