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Back From The Vet

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
I've just taken Amber to see a vet about her snotty nose. She had a check over whilst she was there. Her teeth are healthy and she said generally she's a healthy pig.

She did also notice her snotty nose. But I told her there was no crustyness which she could also see. Her snot is still watery and it isn't gloopy and gross which she said was a good sign. She listened to her chest and told me it seems to be very early stages of a URI and it's great we've caught it so early.

She's on antibiotics and an anti inflammatory for 5 days. I'll take her back on Friday for a check over.

The vet was the same one who saw Brillo when he first went in and she remembered who I was and Brillo himself so that was nice.

She said Amber was a little on the petite side. A healthy weight but slightly light. Not sure what else I can give them as they eat so much all day long! Although she said it's better for her to be like this than too fat, and she isn't underweight.

Just an update from today :)
Good news! I wouldn't worry about the weight; she will be at her optimum on a good diet and doesn't need artificial stuffing up.
That's what I thought. I've just been reading other threads and realised a lot of people have given pro biotics as well.

The vet didn't mention that to me. So I'm unsure what to do regarding that.
That's what I thought. I've just been reading other threads and realised a lot of people have given pro biotics as well.

The vet didn't mention that to me. So I'm unsure what to do regarding that.

Probiotics are in the way of a supporting measure to help make the piggy feel better in himself during treatment; they are not integral to the success of a treatment, hence why vets don't prescribe them. ;)
So glad to hear that's its been caught early! Sending healing vibes!
Definitely fingers crossed, it's never nice!

I'm just glad I got it spotted early. My sister things I over react when it comes to guinea pigs. But if you're not piggie minded as I like to call it, I don't think you fully understand.

I'm not good at a lot of things but I'm hoping that I'm working towards good guinea pig care! :)
I've just given her the first lot of meds. She's not a happy girl. I wrapped her in a towel with just her head showing. But she was biting the towel and just generally hated it. She did take the medication well though, all of it went in! So that's the main thing.
Yeah, i went for the 'over quickly' approach which was the best way with my babies. Lyza (who has two courses) was the worst one who although liked the taste of the metacam, would bite the syringe in temper!
I've just given her the first lot of meds. She's not a happy girl. I wrapped her in a towel with just her head showing. But she was biting the towel and just generally hated it. She did take the medication well though, all of it went in! So that's the main thing.
Sounds like marzipan also this biting the towel nonsense, good luck and i wish you all the best on your pigs road to recovery x
Yeah, i went for the 'over quickly' approach which was the best way with my babies. Lyza (who has two courses) was the worst one who although liked the taste of the metacam, would bite the syringe in temper!

Yes she almost guzzled down the liquid in temper, as long as shes getting it down her I'm not bothered! :)

Thank you @Chief Guinea Pig and @ASTRID . Fingers crossed once the antibiotics get kicking in she will feel much better.
They are!

When the vet was trying to listen to her chest she kept 'burr' ing. The vet even had to laugh at how grumpy she was.
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