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Badger eats EVERYTHING!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
South East England
Badger has always munched on odd things, like the carpet, paper. But recently it has taken a bit more of an odd turn and he's eating my cats food mat (that you keep their food and water bowls on) and the correx of the cage! Once I realized that he was eating the food mat I moved it from the floor, but I have no idea what to do about the correx?

Is this likely to make him ill in the long term and what can I do to stop greedy guts consuming everything in his chubby little path?
Some pigs are so naughty! ! I've had success using the plastic A4 strips that you use to keep presentation papers together, the kids used to use them for school projects and the like. They are about a cm or so wide on each side and you slot the papers down the middle of them. They work equally as well slipped over the edge of correx - you can get them at most good stationers, sorry can't link from my phone.
My boy Junior is excactly like that eats everything, i cut up some of their fleece blankets and clipped it all the way round the correx to stop the cheeky little man from eating it...............you name it he has ate it....my boyfriends MOT certificate, his jury duty citation letter a unlit cigarette :))
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