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Bath Timeee!

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I fill it up enough so their feet don't touch the ground, And they don't seem like they mind?... And it doesn't get in their eyes or mouth so they are okay!:tu:
I recently found out that pigs can swim. Guess it makes sense considering capybara swim lol :) I think your water is at the max- they can still keep their feet on the ground and heads out of the water. One of my pigs likes to move around in the water too and that's about where I have the water for her- she seems to enjoy it. The other pigs don't lol I just do them in the sink- each pig is their own person, I guess :) Maybe it's cuz she's the biggest pig- more buoyant hahahaha!
I would to be on the safe side not fill it as high, ours would go ape in a bath. You think you are murdering Vimto tipping the water on her....
Aww bless I bath all 3 few wks ago when smudge had that cut ther was only him that didnt mind it tho other 2 was awfull my 2older sons 21n 18 came rushing to bathroom as they thought my youngest son was killing them withhow loud they was carrying on so we have not bath them sins x
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