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Beautiful Day To Be In The Garden?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
Had done loads of jobs this morning, cooking for this eve and some work on the computer so just took a magazine (sainsburys) and a cup of tea to the garden bench. First time I have managed to do that this spring. It was gorgeous, sunny, calm, birds singing....

and then one of said birds deposited cr*p all over my hair

Gone back to doing chores.
I know I shouldn't have laughed but I did a little. At least it didnt go in your tea?!

I had a bird drop a seed (or small stone) on me once and then poo on my back! Like it wanted me to look up and poo on my face. Luckily I didnt look up instead looked down and was in the middle of bending down to pick up what hit me!
Oh no! :(

I once went on a choir tour when I was in secondary school and during an open air concert in a town square in Croatia, a bird emptied its sizeable bowel all over my shoulder mid-song. Unsure whether to run off screaming or stick it out and pretend I hadn't noticed, I made it to the end of the song (hearing noticeable titters amongst the crowd) before literally throwing myself at the wife of our music director who was ready and armed with tissues!
As they say in the north, "Muck for Luck!"
And also 'Where there's muck, there's brass' but I don't think that either actually applies here....

I don't mind a bit of muck, it was more the precision air strike on exhausted human who had sat down for 5 minutes;)
By either meaning, good things will come your way!

I know that feels though! :P :P
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