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Behaviour Concerns

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
Orpington, Kent

As mentioned in a previous thread I now have a confirmed pregnancy and definately two females. Today we have a new situation the non pregnant one is showing signs of male behaviour, rumbling, bottom dragging and constantly pestering the pregnant one as if she is trying to mount her. This is not normal for them should I separate? Bubble is stalking Squeak 60% all the time only stopping to feed it seems. She is behaving like a male so much I am now doubting two vets and the pet shop as to whether they have sexed her correctly.
I wondered if Squeak is about to Labour, would she be giving off a scent that might make Bubble behave in this way. Or has Bubble come into season.
Should I keep them together or separate them if I feel Squeak has had enough. I don't want to stress her either way.
Should I keep them together or separate them if I feel Squeak has had enough. I don't want to stress her either way.

Leave them together as long as Squeak is OK with it; sows are generally pretty tolerant with each other's hormonal excesses. it should hopefully die down within a few hours and you will see them reaffirming their bond afterwards with kisses and cuddles.
Thanks feel reassured now really appreciate this forum you have been so helpful Thank you Wiebke
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