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Best cooling pad for my piggies?


Junior Guinea Pig
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
Westspringfield mass
I had made a post the other day about keeping my piggies cool in the summer. I read the thing we have on the forum about whether seasonal advice. I was just wondering if anybody had any tips on which cooling pads would be best for piggies I use frozen water bottles that I covered in cloth for them to lean against, but I don’t feel that they use those so I was thinking about buying them the cooling pad, which would probably be more comfortable for them to lay on if they’re getting hot 🥵
Generally speaking, if they aren’t going near a frozen water bottle then it is because they don’t feel overly hot. So the chances are, in the same situation, that they would also ignore a cooling pad.
Concentrating on keeping the room cool by keeping curtains closed, only opening windows when there is a cool breeze in the morning and evening/overnight.

When my piggies come inside in summer that is what I do - concentrating on keeping the room as cool as possible. I use normal freezer ice packs, I also put their snugglesafes in the freezer, cover with fleece and pop them under the bedding. The only time they have ever gone near them in the 6 years of Popcorn’s life is during the 40 degree heatwave, all other years my measures work very well.
Thank you so much for that. I just get nervous. I have sunblocking curtains and I do open my yeah, windows at night to keep them cool but I get nervous during the day when I’m at work when I can’t check in on them I have a oscillating fan, but I still get nervous for them. I don’t have air conditioning in that room and when I am home, the doors wide open in our house for them, but when I am gone to work it is closed for about eight hours until my husband gets home then he opens up the door and put the gate there so the dog can’t get in
I also get a bit nervous on summer days when the sun is out and I need to leave the piggies at home alone. Once the sun hits my windows in the afternoon my appartment heats up very quickly despite sunblocking curtains, so I leave cool pads around the cage when I leave for work in the morning just in case they want to use them later that day.

I use a combination of frozen water bottles in socks and Scratch and Newton ice pods in fleece covers. The piggies prefer to lie against the water botters, but the ice pods stay cool for longer so I use them both. They can first use the bottles but when those are no longer cold they can switch to the ice pods.
I thank you so much for that. I just get really worried in the summertime. I always wanna make sure my piggies are safe from the heat and if it does get hot that they have what they need while I’m not home.