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Best Midnight Ever!

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Congratulations to you both! :) Lovely ring.
Aww, happy new year!
Wow, that is fabulous news. Congrats!
Beautiful ring...xx
Congratulations to you both! :) Lovely ring.
Oh that's wonderful, congratulations. Lovely ring.
Congratulations! :D The ring is beautiful.
Thank you! I can't stop looking at it, perfect fit and so beautiful!
I don't like the traditional so it's an emerald (my favourite) in place of a diamond. I love it! :D
Thank you! I can't stop looking at it, perfect fit and so beautiful!
I don't like the traditional so it's an emerald (my favourite) in place of a diamond. I love it! :D
He's a keeper for sure...getting the right size your favourite stone, stroke of midnight proposal and the ring looks stunning on your finger too. Congrats x
I just saw this at the top of the forum and rushed over here too find this thread!

Huge congratulations! What a lovely way too start the new year!

The ring is beautiful! He did such a great job too get it perfect for you, awww!

Congratations again! :D xx
Thank you! I can't stop looking at it, perfect fit and so beautiful!
I don't like the traditional so it's an emerald (my favourite) in place of a diamond. I love it! :D
MrsHogg's engagement ring is also an emerald. Congratulations. :tu:
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