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Big, odd lump


New Born Pup
Sep 28, 2020
Reaction score
My piggy has had a lump on her back for a couple months, but it was under the fur and didn't seem to cause hey any discomfort. I've been away for a week and when I got her back it seems like the pig has been irritated by the lump. It looks like she's been licking the area (the fur is wet) and now aside from the skin being visible, it looks like something either popped or she's been biting the lump.

Does anyone know what this is? She still seems normal, aside from the wet fur. Any help or ideas is very appreciated!

Piggy back:Piggy back
My piggy has had a lump on her back for a couple months, but it was under the fur and didn't seem to cause hey any discomfort. I've been away for a week and when I got her back it seems like the pig has been irritated by the lump. It looks like she's been licking the area (the fur is wet) and now aside from the skin being visible, it looks like something either popped or she's been biting the lump.

Does anyone know what this is? She still seems normal, aside from the wet fur. Any help or ideas is very appreciated!

Piggy back:Piggy back
Hey there! Unfortunately I can't really tell from the photo but I think your best option would be to run over to the vet because this could be many things and would most likely need some sort of treatment or antibiotic especially since this has been for a month! In my experience this type of bump could range from an abscess pimple like bump, skin tag, beginning of a cyst, etc. My guess is probably an abscess but unlike humans it's not safe to pop them, typically they're drained and then treated. I would at least call a vet to start and then go in depending on what they recommend because I'm not too familiar with guinea pig bumps. But please treat it asap because it'll most likely become bigger and as you've seen from the month, more irritated. Good luck :)