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Bladder Problem... Anything Else?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
Plymouth, Whitleigh
Rosie has just turned 5 and has been in good health for most of her life apart from the odd fatty lump. About 10 days ago we noticed pink pee and a squeak when she passed urine. Off to the vets for an exam and she was diagnosed with bladder sludge/ grit. She's on 0.4ml baytril, 0.3ml metacam (dog) as well as a nutracys + capsule daily. She has dropped a bit of weight so is being topped up with c.c. when she passed urine on my daughter today I noticed it was rather gritty. She's having plenty of wet food as well as extra vit c we've cut out the high calcium foods.. Is there anything else we can do to help?. She went back for a check up yesterday and an x-ray will be done in a fortnight if no improvement. Thanks.
I would say to get as much fluid as you can into her to flush things through. I would have suggested Glucosamine but I think that is covered by the Nutracys. What pellets is she on?
She has a mix of burgess and gertie. She doesn't tend to eat much pellet as it is , she sticks to the hay and forage. I have noticed that gertie has changed it's recipe recently and looks more brightly coloured. Whether this has any impact on her I'm not sure.
It could be, I think both Gertie and Burgess tend to be on the higher side with the calcium percentage. So it may be worth considering switching to a pellet with a lower calcium content like Bunny or Vitakraft Emotion. However, if she doesn't really eat many pellets they may not be a factor.
My Guinea pigs had pink wee just over a week ago. The vet felt that their diet was a major contributory factor and I have cut out all high calcium veg. The pink colouration has gone.
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