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Bladder sludge after castration?


New Born Pup
Dec 21, 2020
Reaction score
Hi there,
I had my little boy Oreo castrated 2 weeks ago (he is 7 months old) and since his operation he has had terrible issues with Bladder sludge. He wheeks in pain and arches his back when trying to pass stools and I can clearly see sludge when it comes out :( The vet checked him over and managed to do a brief x ray without sedation and cannot see any bladder stones but confirmed his bladder felt quite firm and was obviously painful when touched. They prescribed Baytril and metacam which I have been giving him daily but we are about 10 days in and I honestly thought he would be perking up more by now :( The vet did say if he doesn't perk up then he would need to go in to be sedated and have more xrays done which is making me so nervous as I worry about him being sedated again, I know this isn't great for their tummies already!
His food intake is Burgess pellets mixed with a small amount of Muesli and I give Romaine Lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes daily with a small treat of spinach once a week.
I have also changed to bottled water to reduce the calcium intake. He is very quiet and not as active, eating some food but not as much as normal. I am monitoring his weight and he has lost about 30g in the last 2 weeks. Although he is alone at the moment (he is right next to his cage mate until they can be reunited) which I am sure is not helping things :( We do have alot of cuddles throughout the day and he has grass time in good weather so am trying to encourage him to be more active. Has anyone else had any issues like this with their piggies after castration? I feel terrible as he was absolutely fine and had no problems before the op! Thank you.
I would suggest going back to the vet and carrying out those further checks.
How much metacam is he on? Is it dog or cat metacam?

30g in two weeks isn’t concerning, but of course you do want to monitor him daily given he has had surgery and seems to be having issues.

I assume he is eating mostly hay?
From a dietary point of view, I would stop the muesli altogether - its not needed. Tomatoes should be a once a week treat due to their acidity. I would personally adds some leafy herbs into his diet - coriander is a good one to give daily as if also contains vit c.
I would suggest going back to the vet and carrying out those further checks.
How much metacam is he on? Is it dog or cat metacam?

30g in two weeks isn’t concerning, but of course you do want to monitor him daily given he has had surgery and seems to be having issues.

I assume he is eating mostly hay?
From a dietary point of view, I would stop the muesli altogether - its not needed. Tomatoes should be a once a week treat due to their acidity. I would personally adds some leafy herbs into his diet - coriander is a good one to give daily as if also contains vit c.
Thanks you Piggies&buns :) Yes sorry I forgot to add he also has Timothy Hay, I buy some low calorie type off Amazon which my piggies love.
He is on the cat Metacam and 0.2mg once a day although I gave him a little extra last night as he still seemed in pain :(
I will call the vet again today to see about further checks.
Piggies can take much higher doses of pain meds to get pain under control. It is also recommended that they have their pain meds twice a day. Definitely do call the vet again
I hope he is ok
A few years ago, one of our piggies couldn't urinate post castrate. There was a huge amount of sludge and I took him to the vet daily, so his bladder could be expressed. After about a week, everything returned to normal and he didn't have any further issues. The problem is, if they aren't moving around much, the sludge and grit just collects in the bladder and starts to block it.
A few years ago, one of our piggies couldn't urinate post castrate. There was a huge amount of sludge and I took him to the vet daily, so his bladder could be expressed. After about a week, everything returned to normal and he didn't have any further issues. The problem is, if they aren't moving around much, the sludge and grit just collects in the bladder and starts to block it.
Ok thank you, this sounds exactly how Oreo is right now! :( He is not moving much but I do try to encourage some grass time again he only nips out of his bed for moments. Can I ask, what did the vet do to express his bladder? My vet wants to sedate and xray next and if they find any stones they will need to operate :( I honestly think it is more sludge, his nose is crusty from it from where he is constantly cleaning himself bless him...
I definitely wouldn’t try anything like this at home. You could be squeezing the wrong thing. Talk to your vet about this issue and see if he can do it for you. I hope your piggy starts to feel better soon. Take care.