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Bladder Stone Surgery - Second Time Around?

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Sue and Smartie

Competition Winner
Apr 18, 2012
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Panda had a large stone removed from his bladder last year. The vet said it might come back, and I think it has. From reading stories on here I know it's not normal for a pig to bounce back from this op as Panda did last year, but he did, and I was very pleased.
He's started squeaking and hunching up, just in the last 24 hours, and when I checked his tummy this morning it was all over wee. This is exactly how he was last year. I have given him a bath, and we'll go to the vet tomorrow, but what I wanted to know is, has anyone here had a pig survive a second surgery for this?
Panda is at least 5 years old and has lost a bit of weight this year. He also has arthritis, for which he has acupuncture treatment. He's quite active and eats well. But, he is looking elderly and I am wondering if the vet will say, it's time to let him go. What do you think? Has he got a chance?
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aww cute little man :wub:

I have just had my first bladder stone pig. She is about 5yrs old . Hers was stuck just behind her opening in view. The vet did an xray. &managed to break up &remove the stone under anaesthetic. Grace has I'm glad to say bounced back beautifully :)

Although I know with boys it can be a lot more complicated &the risks are higher sometimes with stone surgery as to where the stones actually are.

But if he's come back previously with no issues then the vet must be competent ,knowledgeable &experienced in this area. Ask the vet what they think.
It may just be a urinary tract infection that can be treated with antibiotics.
Fingers crossed that's all it is.

If u can find my post in the health &illness section graces bladder stone from Friday last week there are a few helpful links on there ref cystease,filtered water &diet tips etc. Some good preventative tips too :)
Sorry my phone won't let me add links at the moment.

Good luck at the vets. Hope its just an infection &cleared easily. Healing vibes xx

Edit have a read of the vegan glucosamine thread too. Xx
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Good luck at the vets, but if it is a stone, you can't afford not to have it removed. Ask Wiebke, she may know of preventive measures to reduce the chances of it happening again.
Hi sorry to read about Panda. Rosie had her second bladder op 3 1/2 months after her first. She was 4 1/2yrs when she had her first. Her first op was just stones her second was stones and sludge. Apparently the vet had to scoop it out because it was so thick. I made a few adjustments to her lifestyle - her diet is now low calcium, she has filtered water and has a nutracys capsule each day. She also has a daily low dose of metacam. She is still tender in that area. Since the second op she has had 3 bladder infections. But she still going strong. If he was mine I would find out what is causing the problem, if it was a stone I would have to give him every chance. Xx
It's good to hear of other pigs who've come through this.
It did make me smile about the competent vet - yes, she is very competent, but until Panda she had never done this op on a piggy! I think she was as surprised as I was that he coped so well. Will see what they say tomorrow. I do have a savings fund to pay for this kind of thing, so I can afford the op if that's what is needed.
Thank you, all of you :)
Hi Bumble is 5 and has had 4 bladder stone ops since August last year - he has bounced back from every operation - increase his water intake by syringe feeding extra water - filter the water in the bottle - feed a low calcium diet - feed low calcium pellets such as vetcare multimodal guinea pig food for guinea pigs with urinary tract problems - my vet also has Bumble on Calcorea Carbonica pillules by Nelsons (you can buy them from Holland and barratt) - he is on 2 twice a day - she also has him on 0.1ml of potassium citrate and 0.4ml of moduretic ( a human medicine that is used to help prevent stones ) both of these he is on twice a day - my vet is happy to give your vet the details of how to make up the moduretic - the calcorea carbonica was used in the past for a baby tortoise that made 3 lots of bladder stones in quick succession - my vet knows a homeopath and it was his suggestion to try the calc carbonica - the tortoise never produced anymore stones and (cross fingers) Bumble is stone free - my vet is Rachel Mowbray at Vale Vets in Dursley 01453542092
Hi sorry to read about Panda. Rosie had her second bladder op 3 1/2 months after her first. She was 4 1/2yrs when she had her first. Her first op was just stones her second was stones and sludge. Apparently the vet had to scoop it out because it was so thick. I made a few adjustments to her lifestyle - her diet is now low calcium, she has filtered water and has a nutracys capsule each day. She also has a daily low dose of metacam. She is still tender in that area. Since the second op she has had 3 bladder infections. But she still going strong. If he was mine I would find out what is causing the problem, if it was a stone I would have to give him every chance. Xx
What are nutracys capsules for, never heard of that one
Hi Bumble is 5 and has had 4 bladder stone ops since August last year - he has bounced back from every operation - increase his water intake by syringe feeding extra water - filter the water in the bottle - feed a low calcium diet - feed low calcium pellets such as vetcare multimodal guinea pig food for guinea pigs with urinary tract problems - my vet also has Bumble on Calcorea Carbonica pillules by Nelsons (you can buy them from Holland and barratt) - he is on 2 twice a day - she also has him on 0.1ml of potassium citrate and 0.4ml of moduretic ( a human medicine that is used to help prevent stones ) both of these he is on twice a day - my vet is happy to give your vet the details of how to make up the moduretic - the calcorea carbonica was used in the past for a baby tortoise that made 3 lots of bladder stones in quick succession - my vet knows a homeopath and it was his suggestion to try the calc carbonica - the tortoise never produced anymore stones and (cross fingers) Bumble is stone free - my vet is Rachel Mowbray at Vale Vets in Dursley 01453542092
What are the calcorea carbonic a pollutes for, or what do they do. You lot are coming up with a lot of names I've never heard of.:lol!:
Tan - 4 ops in a year! He must be Super Pig! Thank for the information, I will write it out & take it along to the vet. We're going at 2.15 today.
Good luck! - the calcorea carbonica is a homeopathic remedy that (I think) is supposed to put the body back in balance - as something is going wrong with him becoming pre disposed to making them so quickly despite a low calcium diet ( he never had any stones until he was 3 )
It's actually 6 ops in a year because he had two to remove a cancerous lump near his bladder - my vet says my poor boy doesnt really have a bladder anymore because its made up of mainly scar tissue - I now have a hand held ultrasonic unit to give him ultrasound therapy at home every day to help with spasms that he gets from the adhesion's. (he has also had acupuncture and physio in the past)
Forgot to say - my vet is happy to tell your vet how to make up the moduretic - she managed to get a recipe from the states as it has previously been too difficult to make it up for guinea pigs because of getting the small amounts of medication right - as it is normally used to help humans prevent forming stones - she makes it up into liquid form - it only costs about £10 for a month to six weeks supply - the potassium citrate is also cheap - and the calcorea carbonica is £6-95 from Holland and Barratt- Rachel is at Vale vets in Dursley 01453 542092 - she is usually at the hospital Monday and Wednesdays and at their Pet Rehab centre Thursdays and Tuesdays (depending on her shift pattern ).
Good luck! - the calcorea carbonica is a homeopathic remedy that (I think) is supposed to put the body back in balance - as something is going wrong with him becoming pre disposed to making them so quickly despite a low calcium diet ( he never had any stones until he was 3 )
It's actually 6 ops in a year because he had two to remove a cancerous lump near his bladder - my vet says my poor boy doesnt really have a bladder anymore because its made up of mainly scar tissue - I now have a hand held ultrasonic unit to give him ultrasound therapy at home every day to help with spasms that he gets from the adhesion's. (he has also had acupuncture and physio in the past)
Thanks Tan now I understand a bit more
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What are nutracys capsules for, never heard of that one
They are used for bladder issues in cats. They contain glucosamine as well as other ingredients (not sure what they do).I think that they are similar to cystease. Which other members on the forum use for their pigs. They contain 130mg of glucosamine. When Rosie had bad bladder problems I used tablets and gave her 250mg daily. Everything seems to be under control at the moment so she's back on the 130mg daily.
They are used for bladder issues in cats. They contain glucosamine as well as other ingredients (not sure what they do).I think that they are similar to cystease. Which other members on the forum use for their pigs. They contain 130mg of glucosamine. When Rosie had bad bladder problems I used tablets and gave her 250mg daily. Everything seems to be under control at the moment so she's back on the 130mg daily.
Thanks this is helpful, why is Rosie still on 130mg a day, is this a preventive measure, or only because Rosie has had previous bladder problems.
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We're off in about half an hour. I've managed to get a wee sample to take with us, as I expect they will want to test it.
Fingers & paws crossed :)
I had to leave him there :(
There was blood in his urine so she wants to do an X-ray. She will try to do this with him awake, and if there is another stone in there she will operate tomorrow. He's lost a bit more weight, but he is still 1kg so she thinks he stands as good a chance as any pig of coming through the operation. I will hope for the best.
Squeaks, wheeks and luck to you from me and the girls!:nod:
Come on Panda, you can do it!:box:
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