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Blood From Lady Parts


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Mass, USA
i had to rush my sweetie Winona to the vets yesterday! She seemed ok in morning and was eating but I went in to clean the cage in the afternoon and she was bleeding extremely heavily from her lady parts. The vet found nothing on X-ray but seemed to think she had a hidden uterine mass. She put her on antibiotics but her blood tests didn't seem to indicate infection :( I'm very worried about her but she has not bled for about 13 hours at this point and has been nibbling her hay and pooping. She weighed in at 2 lbs yesterday and is 4 years old. Please send good vibes her way! Anyone have similar experience?
I had the same with Gwen, it was Pyometra which cleared up with a heavy course of antibiotics. Sending healing vibes!
What antibiotics has she been given? My Maud had Pyometra and while antibiotics can help, my vet suggested a spay instead. Has your vet mentioned that at all?
My same aged 700g Cariad was found in a scan to have a grossly enlarged fluid filled womb that was going pyometric (infection of the womb lining) and also contained a likely cancerous lump. With that in view, I decided for a spaying operation instead of just antibiotics. Despite her low weight, Cariad did make it through with flying colours and went on to live another year until her other chronic issues caught up with her.
Whether you and your vet want to consider this option depends on how confident the two of you feel about a major operation.

Please consider stepping in with syringe feeding if the weight drops more than 50g or the antibiotics dampen the appetite. Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

All the best!
Thank you all! The vet did mention on the phone just now that spaying is another option if the antibiotics don't work. She's on enrofloxacin. The vet also had me separate them so I can track intake and output!

Good news! She has shown significant improvement. The vet was shocked and we are all very happy! Hardly any blood yesterday and she was eating like a pig this morning!