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Boar Glue All Over Poor Alby

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Julie M

Forum Donator 2023/24
Jun 9, 2014
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image.jpg image.jpg Poor Alby has boar glue all over his back end. I have no idea how to remove it. It's solid. :vom: Just about Stuck right onto his skin. I came home from work and they were bickering that turned really nasty with really loud teeth chattering on both sides and Alby literally hiding in his hay tray scared to move. They are now living separately. However keep chewing at the bars to get to each other. :doh: I give up. Don't know what to do for the best. Fudge literally humps morning noon and night. And it's not fair on Alby to be constantly covered in Boar glue. Would neutering Fudge help (ie would there be no Boar glue?)
With regards to the boar glue being stuck, I don't personally know of a way to get it out, I personally leave it until the hair has grown away from the body a bit then snip it out with scissors.
It sounds like Fudge is extremely hormonal, however neutering rarely makes any difference in guinea pigs and can be a bit risky if you vet is not cavy savvy. How old are they at the moment?
There are several options, you could try them living side by side for a while then see about reintroducing them.
Long term, you can either continue them living side by side if they decide they can't live together or if you have the space for more pigs, possibly get each boy a new friend through boar dating at a local rescue.
View attachment 27489 View attachment 27486 Poor Alby has boar glue all over his back end. I have no idea how to remove it. It's solid. :vom: Just about Stuck right onto his skin. I came home from work and they were bickering that turned really nasty with really loud teeth chattering on both sides and Alby literally hiding in his hay tray scared to move. They are now living separately. However keep chewing at the bars to get to each other. :doh: I give up. Don't know what to do for the best. Fudge literally humps morning noon and night. And it's not fair on Alby to be constantly covered in Boar glue. Would neutering Fudge help (ie would there be no Boar glue?)

I am very sorry; try to cut off what you can with scissors. The rest is better left to fall off on its own. :(

You can still get boar glue with neutered boars (as my Nerys' nose is testament for!), so neutering won't be a complete cure-all on that score even though it can calm down a boy a bit. What neutering can't do is make boys with clashing personalities get on, so it is not a guarantee for them to make it through to adulthood together.

Neutering would be an option if you think that in the long term the two boys might be better off with a sow each, considering that you are well away from any decent rescues. However, finding a good vet to minimise the risks of post op complications is absolutely crucial.

It is a very difficult stage when you have boys that can't live together and can't live without. :mal:
Oh dear :( My neutered boar Enoch once left a spectacular amount of boar glue on my rainbow piggy Ena's long fur and I had to cut it out. He has also destroyed some of my crash pads with his 'glue' BOARS!
Thanks @Wiebke they were adults when I got them last June (apparently 2 1/2) however the vet thinks fudge Is that age and Alby is possibly a lot older. ;( so I don't think neutering will be an option for Alby. They have fallen out previously and I re bonded them. But I think it too sad for Alby all the time covered in boar glue. ;( it's too stuck to cut out like a big flat round bit 2p piece size.
Oh dear :( My neutered boar Enoch once left a spectacular amount of boar glue on my rainbow piggy Ena's long fur and I had to cut it out. He has also destroyed some of my crash pads with his 'glue' BOARS!
aww poor Ena. Alby would have sympathy it's horrible stuff. One of my cage liners has it on it too. :doh: Naughty boys.
So according to their old owner they are about 3years and 4 months now.
aww poor Ena. Alby would have sympathy it's horrible stuff. One of my cage liners has it on it too. :doh: Naughty boys.

Not easy for you to decide where to go from there. Living alongside each other is always an option when you can boar date or neuter.

Generally, boars of any age can be neutered by a good vet (I know of 4 year old boars that were successfully neutered), but that really depends on the vet and your confidence in him.
oh no :(

Girl only household so tagging in @Wiebke @lisaali

With regards to the boar glue being stuck, I don't personally know of a way to get it out, I personally leave it until the hair has grown away from the body a bit then snip it out with scissors.
It sounds like Fudge is extremely hormonal, however neutering rarely makes any difference in guinea pigs and can be a bit risky if you vet is not cavy savvy. How old are they at the moment?
There are several options, you could try them living side by side for a while then see about reintroducing them.
Long term, you can either continue them living side by side if they decide they can't live together or if you have the space for more pigs, possibly get each boy a new friend through boar dating at a local rescue.
unfortunately there aren't any rescues that offer boar dating near me. I have already ha to separate them previously as they were doing the same again. And it ended up in a fight. Yes Fudge is very very hormonal all the time. :bronco: It's making me think he could have been used for breeding previously before I got him.
I know. Ok thanks gogoguineas i just wondered as I have only ever had a single piggie before these 2. (Many years ago) he's a little terror. And Alby is too old to put up with it 24/7.
He seems much happier in his own side of the cage and has even popcorned. ;) Fudge isn't so keen. But that's probably because he's no pig to hump. Lol. :xd:
Aw bless, it sounds like for at least a while, they may be better living with a divider. You could get Fudge a soft toy, it can provide comfort and also as a new humping partner! If you buy one that is suitable for babies, it will normally be ok for piggies, i.e no detachable parts, no eyes that could fall off, fluffy trims etc.
It sounds like fudge has hit his hormonal phase bang on time but this could be a blessing, it may pass earlier than later. Or like my Hamish, this could be his personality full stop.
If however the hormonal phase passes, which can take anything from a few months to a further year or so, then they may like to live together again, provided they've always lived along side each other as they will already know each other. Take it as it comes, if I were you I'd leave a divider in so they can talk to each other, without the hassle!
Thanks. Fudge is about 3 years old so I don't think it's going to pass. :no: They seem happy enough this morning. Alby even had a wee popcorn. Fudge saw him and popcorned too. Good idea about the soft toy. I will keep my eyes open for a suitable "humpy friend" :xd: For fudge. Lol.
oh sorry i thought you posted above saying one was about 4 months? well in which welcome to his pigsonality lol!
Like I say, some pigs don't like it, luckily for my Hamish (not so lucky for his cagemate Ernie) Ernie is very submissive so Hamish gets away with murder lol
Boys eh?
No they are apparently "3years and 4months" but the vet thinks fudge is that age and Alby is older she thinks 5 possibly older.
image.jpgFudge and his new friend. image.jpgAlby and his new friend (I took off the Jacket after the picture) image.jpg Alby is boar glue free (offending lump above) , much to his dismay as he didn't want his fur cut. ;( he now has a baldy bum. Lol.
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