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Brown/black Lump On Paw?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 31, 2011
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Hi Guys,

I hope you can help.
I was cutting my guinea pigs nails and noticed that both (males 3.5 years) have black/brown lumps like a nodule of poop on the corner of one foot.
What are these? I’m really worried. Obviously I will take them to the vet but I passed one off as being ‘dirt’ a few months back and feel dreadful to have ignored it.
They don’t seem to be in pain?
Hi Guys,

I hope you can help.
I was cutting my guinea pigs nails and noticed that both (males 3.5 years) have black/brown lumps like a nodule of poop on the corner of one foot.
What are these? I’m really worried. Obviously I will take them to the vet but I passed one off as being ‘dirt’ a few months back and feel dreadful to have ignored it.
They don’t seem to be in pain?
It could be a foot spur. One of my girls had one a while back. If it is a spur then you can just clip it off with nail clippers, just make sure you don't go too near the skin :)
Thank you.

Should I go to the vet just in case? I say it doesn't hurt but can't be sure....they've just come in for the winter. x
Is the lump the same colour as the skin? Does it feel a bit dry and flaky? If yes to both questions, then it does sound like a spur.
As aimzer said, you can cut it off with nail clippers.
It could be a foor spur as people have said, but to be sure, go and see your vet. They will be able to confirm what is it and show you how to trim it yourself if necessary. Foot spurs are not painful or dangerous and only need to be dealt with if they get so big that they are affecting the guinea pig's movement. It's a very common problem, but best get it check out, just in case it's something different.
Thank you so much. I hope it's nothing more and will get them seen asap x
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