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Bruise on guinea pigs foot?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 19, 2018
Reaction score
Hello, I have a guinea pig. On his front left paw, behind one of his nails(where the nail/toe meets the foot) there seems to be a purple bruise. Some of his fur covers it so it’s quite hard to see. I first noticed it last night and it seems to have gotten bigger overnight. This bruise like thing is not on top of the skin, but it is under the skin sitting there, looking like a bruise. Should I be worried? I would post pictures but my guinea pig is quite squirmy. Though I will take pictures if I need to. Thanks in advance for any advice you could give me.
If it is getting worse then I would definitely take your pig in for a vet check to be on the safe side.
Hello welcome to the forum!

I would get this checked out by a vet
Hello, I have a guinea pig. On his front left paw, behind one of his nails(where the nail/toe meets the foot) there seems to be a purple bruise. Some of his fur covers it so it’s quite hard to see. I first noticed it last night and it seems to have gotten bigger overnight. This bruise like thing is not on top of the skin, but it is under the skin sitting there, looking like a bruise. Should I be worried? I would post pictures but my guinea pig is quite squirmy. Though I will take pictures if I need to. Thanks in advance for any advice you could give me.

Hi and welcome

If the 'bruise' is getting worse, I would recommend to see a vet over it. It may be something else that is best treated early on.
Welcome to the forum
I agree with the others - a vet check is always a good idea.
If nothing else you will feel reassured