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Bumblefoot Care


New Born Pup
May 9, 2022
Reaction score
Hello, I haven't posted here in awhile but I'm in need of some advice.
We think both of my boys have bumblefoot, they have a vet appointment on Monday of next week (there was no other earlier appointments we could've booked, sadly) and I'm wondering if there's anything we can do beforehand, we still have a few more days and I'm worried if I don't do anything to help them at home in the meantime it'll just get even worse. There's slight swellness in one of their paw pads, and then the other boy just has a brownish(?) spot on his paw, neither of which were there before and both have this weird yellowish slightly greenish crusty things on one paw each. We think it's from sitting in pee for too long and whatever chance I get I switch out the smaller blanket they sit on if it's wet. Any help would be appreciated.. :(
Please can you add pictures.

The yellow crusty things might (without seeing we can only guess) just be foot spurs and if they are they are completely harmless and best left alone.

Swelling and any open sores is likely bumblefoot. Keeping their cage very dry and clean is the best thing to do at the moment (antibiotics, painkillers etc are going to be needed once you’ve seen the vet and get confirmation)

Guinea Lynx :: Pododermatitis
I tried taking pictures, however 1. I don't have a proper camera or phone so I had to do it with a computer camera (not helpful at all and blurry) and 2. My pigs are EXTREMELY squirmy. I tried my best so I'm really sorry for any blurriness:( I circled where the thingys are and the one on the bottom is really the only visible one.. (ignore the nails, i trimmed them a few minutesaftertaking pictures)
The pictures are not clear enough, but footspurs form on the sides the foot. Bumblefoot is swelling and open sores on the footpad itself.

It might be easier for you to look at online pictures of piggy footspurs and see if that is what they look like on your piggy
The pictures are not clear enough, but footspurs form on the sides the foot. Bumblefoot is swelling and open sores on the footpad itself.

It might be easier for you to look at online pictures of piggy footspurs and see if that is what they look like on your piggy
yeah, i figured you wouldnt be able to tell considering my camera quality, sorry.
both of them have foot spurs, from what i have looked at. (like this: )
One of them, though has a dark brownish thing on his foot, like this here
edit: i tried to add them through link with text but it removed it when i posted it, ill just have to add the images.

2: 1681971558614.jpeg
Picture 1 - harmless foot spur. See a vet if they start to get caught/pulled (which will usually result in bleeding) as some can need to be appropriately removed but otherwise most can just be left well alone.

Picture 2 - bumblefoot. Requires vet care and treatment
Definitely seek veterinary attention for the bumblefoot.

One of mine developed it when he was hospitalised and quite poorly. I treated it 3 or 4 times a day. I found that vet bed really helped, it was super absorbent when they lack mobility. I also found that regular cleaning of the foot and application of aloe vera, followed by F10 barrier cream helped (but feet have to be bone dry before barrier creams are added, or they will trap in more moisture). This was all under the guidance of my vet, but the bumblefoot did clear up fully. Really recommend the F10 cream; we also found results with it when one of the horses developed mud fever.

Hope you see improvement soon