Burgess Or Wagg/harringtons

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2014
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Hi folks, weaned the piggies off muesli onto country store then onto Burgess excel. Now unsure re additives and comments re calcium if this is the right thing either!
Have heard it suggested that Wagg (was this Harringtons or is it different?) is better. Would appreciate advice, thanks.
Can't help as we don't get Wagg/Harringtons here & have only recently started importing Burgess. I noticed you posted twice, perhaps because you didn't get a reply to your first post. In future you can just reply to your own post with word Bump to get it moved up the page so people will notice.
In several members' experience, Burgess is better re. the occurrence of bladder stones, but I am using both.
Can't help as we don't get Wagg/Harringtons here & have only recently started importing Burgess. I noticed you posted twice, perhaps because you didn't get a reply to your first post. In future you can just reply to your own post with word Bump to get it moved up the page so people will notice.
Thank you, that's interesting to know. It was actually a mistake and I couldn't find a way to delete it!
Why do you use both? Is it just piggy preference or for variety?

It is for both reasons. Piggies can sometimes go off a brand, but I have also found myself occasionally in a tight spot over the years when their particular brand was not in stock for some reason. Mixing or switching regularly keeps the piggies interested and from becoming too particular, and me from panicking! ;)
That sounds like a good idea, will adopt that approach I think!
I have a similar approach to Weibke. I feed Harrington's (formerly Wagg) to all of my 8 piggies,and the older 4 also get Excel. Tried to switch the younger ones to Excel but they wouldn't touch it. Recently tried them with P@H pellets. They'll eat them for a day or two because they are new, and then no more. Tried mixing them with the Harrington's, but they avoided the P@H and just ate the Harri's. I Would like to get them all on to Excel as that is available from a local shop. I lost my Internet connection a while ago, just as I was about to run out of Harri's.
I have a similar approach to Weibke. I feed Harrington's (formerly Wagg) to all of my 8 piggies,and the older 4 also get Excel. Tried to switch the younger ones to Excel but they wouldn't touch it. Recently tried them with P@H pellets. They'll eat them for a day or two because they are new, and then no more. Tried mixing them with the Harrington's, but they avoided the P@H and just ate the Harri's. I Would like to get them all on to Excel as that is available from a local shop. I lost my Internet connection a while ago, just as I was about to run out of Harri's.
Do you think Harringtons is better nutritionally?
Do you think Harringtons is better nutritionally?

We are still working on a guide to pellet brands in various continents. I don't think that there is a huge lot in it between them; we are still short of really good quality and still reasonably priced pellets, unfortunately. Burgess are generally thought to be the better ones. I am using the blackcurrant and oregano ones for my frialer piggies.
I tend to swap now and again because my piggies are quite fussy and after awhile they seem to off whatever brand they are on. They have been on Burgess in the past, and also Science Selective. When we first got them they were on Harringtons as that's what they had in the rescue, and now they're on Harringtons again. They've liked all of them they just seem to get bored after a long period of one particular brand, they're spoilt!
We are still working on a guide to pellet brands in various continents. I don't think that there is a huge lot in it between them; we are still short of really good quality and still reasonably priced pellets, unfortunately. Burgess are generally thought to be the better ones. I am using the blackcurrant and oregano ones for my frialer piggies.
Yes ours would only consider the blackcurrant ones! Left the others. So now got some Harringtons to try as well before the others run out.
Yes ours would only consider the blackcurrant ones! Left the others. So now got some Harringtons to try as well before the others run out.
So I mixed in some Harringtons with their Burgess last night and guess which ones are all gone this morning.... The Harri's! This from stubborn piggies who take weeks to wean from one thing to another!
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