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Calcium phosphorus ratio mini cucumber


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
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Does anyone know how different the calcium phosphorus ratio is for mini cucumber Vs normal please? I know they have different amounts because you get more skin on mini cucumbers but I don't know how to work it out. Currently when I put my vegetables into the ca:P calculator I get too low calcium but I don't know if that will change if I put in mini cucumber.
I don’t know the answer but I do know we don’t tend to advise the use of a ca:p ratios because they don’t consider the diet as a whole.
To get an accurate answer you’ve got to know and input the details of their drinking water, pellets and hay.
I don’t know the answer but I do know we don’t tend to advise the use of a ca:p ratios because they don’t consider the diet as a whole.
To get an accurate answer you’ve got to know and input the details of their drinking water, pellets and hay.
Thank you. I was wondering this. As they obviously mostly eat hay which I have no idea how much they eat. They also have a small amount of pellets.
I wouldn’t worry too much on the different types of cucumber. Cucumber is a low calcium veg