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Can Baytril And Ivermectin Be Given At The Same Time?

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New Born Pup
Apr 16, 2014
Reaction score
New Bradwell, Milton Keynes
Hello all. I have three young sows (all 6 to 12 months old). One of them, Sandy, has been on Baytril for about 3 weeks to treat an inner ear infection. We just spotted the other day that another of them, Cuddles, has lice - meaning that they probably *all* have lice. A spot of Google research tells me that there's a few over-the-counter products containing Ivermectin (such as Xeno 450) will probably sort that out with little fuss... but, I wonder: Might there be any issues with poor Sandy there? Would it be safe to give a pig both Baytril and an Ivermectin treatment at the same time? If anyone here has any expertise they could share, on that, I'd be grateful. Thanks
Please have your piggies seen by a vet and discuss the issue with him. It is likely to be OK, but as your girl's immune system is currently compromised, it would be better if your vet decided on the most appropriate treatment under the circumstances.
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