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Can Someone Explain The Risk From Rabbits?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
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I'm planning a vacation for next fall, and looking for someone to piggy-sit for me for a week. My parents are my usual sitters, but they will be going with me. My best friend has piggy-sat a couple of times, but I think she may also be out of town the same week. So this lives me with two of my friends. The one I am leaning towards owns a rabbit, so I know she has small animal knowledge. However, I have always heard that there is danger of passing contagion between rabbits and guinea pigs. Will the pigs be okay if they are in the same house as the rabbit for a week but have no direct contact? What about if they run around on the same carpet as the rabbit? What about if they are housed separately in the same room? I'm just not sure how high the risk is and what the vector of transmission is. I can guarantee there will be no physical contact between my pigs and their rabbit, but the same person will be caring for both and I can't guarantee that they won't have floor time in the same room at different times. My only other friend has two cats and is seriously considering getting a large dog. Her cat has killed rabbits in their yard, so I really don't trust him with the guinea pigs, even if they are in a locked cage, accidents can happen, so if the rabbit poses a risk I may have to look at hiring someone to come and feed them or boarding them at the vet's, if they will take them.
Yes, any transmission needs close contact/sharing the same accommodation, so your piggies will be safe just being in the same house. A goodly number of forum members have both bunnies and piggies, so they may be albe to give you more detailed advice.
I have a rabbit and four guinea pigs. He lives free range and often sleeps by the piggy cage but he never interacts with the pigs. I have never had any problems. If I stroke him I always wash my hands before handling my pigs. I do not know if this has been much help but I was just explaining my situation.
My rabbits and pigs live in the same shed (different hutches) I've never had a problem and my pigs have lived to good ages. ;)
Great- that's a relief! Vacation planning is stressful enough without having to worry Noelle (my friend's extremely sweet bunny!) passing along some illness to the pigs while I'm gone! :)
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