Can't Figure Out How To Extend My Boars' You-know-what?

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Ruby Inferno

Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 18, 2014
Reaction score
England, UK
I have two boars, Caramel and Doughnut (separate due to fighting, though that doesn't matter at the moment, they will be getting friends from a rescue centre). Their private parts, especially Caramel's, have smelled very strange for a while even after I cleaned both their anal sacs. There could be a sperm rod or something, but I can't figure out how to extend their genitals in order to get anything out. I don't know precisely where to press, and how hard I'm supposed to press without hurting them. I've tried so many times, only resulting in me accidentally pressing their bladder causing them to pee.

Please help? Maybe show some pictures on where to press?
Just press gently immediately above where the penis is. It is takes a bit of practice to learn how to best manipulate, so don't feel discouraged. If you can't, have the boys checked by your vet and let him show you what to do.

Here are two pics of my neutered boar Hywel (hence not much in the way of testicles), who has been putting in some very vocal objections to the manhandling and subsequent unscheduled cleaning of his most treasured parts!

Partially expressed:

Fully expressed. The white bit around the penis is a build up of smegma, which can harden; he has no rods or sperm build-up:
Cool I've learnt something new for my boys. Hmmmm think I'll wait till they trust me first as we new to each other.
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