Car Rides

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Michigan, US
Considering traveling to Michigan (I am from the US) and bringing my current piggy with me, as well as getting another from a rescue while I am there. My sister lives in
Michigan and I saw that there was a rescue not too far from her. However, the car ride to Michigan from my home is about 8 hours and the car ride to get the new pig from my sisters home would be about 2 hours. The 8 hour drive would not be in the same day as the two hour, probably a few days apart, but I would want to have enough time to make sure they would bond well before leaving Michigan. Would a piggy be able to handle this? If anybody has done a car ride like this before, I would love to hear how it went!
Here are our travelling tips:

I have travelled 6 hours in a car one way with piggies of mine on regular medication without problems. Just make sure that you have regular stops and breaks on the way.

If you have got freshly bonded boars, you may want to consider whether it is worth to transport them in two carriers where they can see each other and interact through bars, but are not together, in case they start a fight in the very enclosed small space during a longer trip. Two sows should be fine.

Could you please add your country or state to your details, so we can always adjust any advice to what is available/possible where you are? This is especially important whren you are suddenly faced with a medical emergency; brands and vet access differ quite a lot, and knowing where you are roughly located, will safe everybody precious time. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
You can find bonding advice at the top of our behaviour section. Please be aware that the dominance phase lasts on average about two weeks until a bond is settling firmly down.
Yes I recently bonded Midnight with another pig who passed away, which is why I am so skeptical to buy from a pet store again, and really do not want to if it is not completely necessary ie Midnight is pining away for a buddy.
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