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Carpet moth larvae - pet safe way to kill them

Black piggies

Forum Donator 2023/24
Dec 12, 2016
Reaction score
Hertfordshire UK
I have carpet moth larvae and bought cedarwood but think that's a deterrent rather than killing them. Does anyone know a safe way to kill them? The pigs live in a large c and c in the open plan area downstairs where the problem is. The only way the piggies could go in the tiny area upstairs for me to spray nasty chemicals downstairs, is if I built a 1x2, and they'd all fight. Any tips?
I know you don't want to hear this but the only sure way is to destroy your carpets which is what we had to do. Wool carpets are a nightmare once you get moths. Sorry!
The best way is to keep vacuuming the carpets and around skirting boards once a day. This damages the eggs and larvae. You can place clothing in bags and place in the freezer for 48 hours this does the same. Be vigilant, the female moths hang around the skirting boards and don’t fly very high while the males fly higher. They are a real pain, we got them one year, it took about 2 weeks to get rid, a couple of jumpers were damaged, it’s just bad luck, they come in through windows especially in the evening, they hate light so check under your bed and furniture and vacumn under them. Good luck!
Should add the sticky pad things you can buy that capture the males (I think), do work. But it takes years to get rid of all of them.
A friend whose carpet was destroyed by them now uses Lakeland moth stop. She has a dog and a cat but I have no idea about toxicity for other small animals I am afraid.
There is a version of F10 veterinary disinfectant that has pet-safe insecticide in, usually used to control flea and mite infestations in cages- maybe blitz your carpet with that?