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Carrot Cottage Demolition Thread

He is a chunky sod, makes him even more cuddly though :wub:
aaaargh! Has anyone spotted the mistake? I meant Larry! How bad a piggy owner am I!?! :mal:
In my defence, bitey piggy Barry was having a chomp on my arm at the time of typing :))
Corrected it now ;) x
I had some internal wall stripping and roof stripping going on last night too...Blitzen knocked one of the cottages on to the back wall and made one hell of a racket about it! Not that there's much damage to see, I swear he must have taken a very very fine layer off of everything. Unlike the poor seagrass tunnel, I wonder what if did to upset Comet so much? :))
IMG_3222.JPG IMG_3228.JPG IMG_3229.JPG

Here is a follow up of the Gang's cottage. I put it in the positions you can see to demonstrate the interior remodelling that has been going on, modelled by Snowy. It even has a back door now and not an inch of grass remains!
I have just had to throw it out as several wees were done on the roof and it was smelling a bit wiffy...they will get another one in a few weeks time
I have just had to throw it out as several wees were done on the roof and it was smelling a bit wiffy...they will get another one in a few weeks time

Violet's group had turned theirs over the other day and had softened it up with a generous wee patch. It's dried out OK thankfully and doesn't smell.
Ah, it was time for a change of toys as it was going a bit thin in the wall area. Wobbling quite a bit even with a piggy atop it