Castiel Having A Hop Around...

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Dropped Cas off at the vets. He is having his teeth filled and having an xray of his gut. Gotta call back at lunch time. Am worried about my boy. X
Hi everyone. Cass went to vets and had his teeth down and xray on his gut. Luckily no blockage/obstruction. He has been given a gut stimulant (2kinds) plus pain killer and he is back home with a gut stimulant and some metacam.
Just got home and left him in his pen to settle. Any problems he will go back again...but he is bright and alert and they had him hopping about the vet recovery room.
Just gotta wait and see with his eating and pooping etc. Need to keep syringe feeding him and encourage him to eat etc.
All in all less stressed than i was. He was in gut stasis...but hopefully the meds will help speed his gut up.
Keep Cas in your prayers...he is alert and well in that sence..x
This is exactly what happened when I first got Faisel. He went into G.I too. He made a full recovery and I am sure Castiel will too.
AW CAS! You are a beautiful , big, proper bunny! You'll get better soon and enjoy your good care! LOVE LOVE LOVE your pictures! We should have a bunny photo-off!
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