Catching Guinea Pigs With A Home Made Elevator?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
Scarborough uk
I'm having trouble catching my guinea pigs like to the point where I have to give up because one is teeth chattering at me, I think she's doing this purely because she doesn't like being chased away, when I have her on my lap she seems to enjoy getting the vegetables, I've seen home made elevators that are like fabric boxes with handles so that you can coax them in and then lift them up with any stress, I've seen a picture of one but have no idea how I would go about making one, has anyone made anything similar or what do you use to pick your guinea pig up with the least amount of chasing
Could you try using a tunnel or cosy instead? You do not have to use a particular type of thing. It can be anything really.
Try a walk-in cardboard box with some soft hay to lure the piggies in; you can also cut some handles in the sides if you wish to.
Were settling in a new piggie and sometimes he doesnt want to come out for his garden or floor time, weve been popping a box in and carrying him in that for garden time or opening the cage and bribing him with cucumber or celery so he comes out himself. I hope one of these helps you.
This video, we have made shows a great way to pick them up
Definitely try a box/tunnel/small animal carrier! Chasing round and round is stressful on both guinea pig and owner:mal:. Good luck and hope you find a method that works for you.
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