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Cauliflower willy?


Junior Guinea Pig
May 26, 2020
Reaction score
I was just checking on the boys, and yesterday I noticed a strand of hay sticking out from Fred's penis. I successfully removed it, but today when I checked on it the penis was wrinkly? I will check to see if George has that too, but as I'm a first time owner I'm not too sure. Any help would be great!
I was just checking on the boys, and yesterday I noticed a strand of hay sticking out from Fred's penis. I successfully removed it, but today when I checked on it the penis was wrinkly? I will check to see if George has that too, but as I'm a first time owner I'm not too sure. Any help would be great!


Please compare with the pictures and care advice in our boar care guide. Without a picture, we can unfortunately not confirm anything.
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths

The guide link above is part of our new owners practical and helpful information collection: Are Guinea Pigs For Me? - Wannabe Owners' Helpful Information
huh, one of my rescue's penis has always been fairly wrinkly, He seems to be fine.
huh, one of my rescue's penis has always been fairly wrinkly, He seems to be fine.
Ok, well if it's harmless then I wont worry too much but I'll still put a photo on this thread, just to mak sure